As The Leader Grows with Ken Joslin

Rachel Scheer | Journey to Wellness

Ken Joslin

Have you ever thought about the intricate bond between physical wellness and mental health? To explore this question, our podcast brings Rachel, a functional medicine nutritionist from Dallas, Texas, into the conversation. Rachel has an inspiring story of transition from being an athlete to a successful entrepreneur. She shares her insights about the significance of discipline, hard work, and the right connections to the journey of success.

Delving into the challenging side of her life, Rachel shares her personal battle with depression, anxiety, hormonal imbalances, and thyroid issues. In a world obsessed with quick fixes, her story emphasizes the importance of looking beyond surface-level symptoms and understanding the root cause of health issues. The resilience Rachel demonstrated by choosing a holistic approach towards her wellness, rather than risking her health for her career, is a testament to her courage and determination.

But it doesn't end with physical health. Rachel believes in the concept of holistic wellness and shares her transformative journey towards mental health and self-reflection. She discusses the need for inner work, self-identity affirmation, goal setting, gratitude, and mirror work, and its significant role in redefining oneself. Rachel's story serves as a powerful reminder that abundance isn't just about material wealth, but aligning our lives with our deepest values and beliefs. Her experience with business coaching and her client's story of healing and success underline the transformational power of abundance. Let's listen in as Rachel shares her 30-year odyssey in functional medicine nutrition.

Welcome to the ATLG podcast I am your host Ken Joslin, former pastor turned coach & host of CREATE, the #1 Faith-based Entrepreneur conference in America. My mission is to help faith-based entrepreneurs become the best version of themselves by growing in our Core 5: Faith, Health, Relationships, Business & Finances. You can get more information as well as join our FREE Facebook group at

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Speaker 1:

Hey guys, welcome to another episode of as the growth podcast. I am your host, ken Johnson, where we are ridiculously crazy about helping business leaders build confidence, gain clarity and create community. And I have got a treat for you guys. today I got to hear Rachel speak in North Carolina at our good. our amazing mutual friend, amberley Lago, is going to be with us at create and Dallas in about a month. She is a functional medicine nutritionist. Her story on nutrition, i mean, really is probably what had a poll Did you into entrepreneurship. But I'm super looking forward to this interview today and talking with you and learning more about you. Take a minute and tell our audience a little bit more about you, rachel, where you're at and what you got going on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, ken, thank you for having me on the podcast And it was great getting to hear you speak and getting to know you a lot better through our mutual friend, amberley Lago. She's an awesome connector And one of the things I love about Amberley is she always just puts good people in a room together. And something actually my pastor says quite a bit is when you get the right people in the right place at the right time, incredible things happen right. So I'm really grateful to be connected with you, to be on your show here today. But, yeah, a little bit of background about me, based in Dallas, texas, functional medicine nutritionists A lot of people don't know what that is but, simply put, i help people get to the root cause of their chronic health issues gut health, ivs, hormones, thyroid, adrenals and really help them heal through using nutrition, lifestyle therapies. And I have a quite in depth story about my injury that really led me into this right.

Speaker 2:

I was always into fitness, actually grew up as a gymnast and a dancer And you know it's so funny is I recently was even in an elevator and a guy kind of stopped me and he was like how do you you stay so fit? You know how long have you been working out for? And I thought back to this question, ken and I was like you know well, let's see, i was a gymnast. As a dancer, i was a bodybuilder and now I, i just make fitness a part of my life. And I was like, oh, i'm an athlete, i'm an athlete.

Speaker 2:

And now I realized in that moment that fitness has just always been such a huge part of my identity. It's who I am at the core and it's even what's played such a huge role in my entrepreneurship. So, yeah, i'm just an athlete. From the day I was born. I feel like I was on dream gymnastics when I was just like, uh, anybody, a little baby, which literally I was. You know, my parents used to say I'd like climb to the top of the refrigerator. I climbed every tree in the neighborhood and that's just like how I was.

Speaker 1:

But I do not find that hard to believe that you would do that at all.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i was a weird, but you know, what's so interesting is I was terrible in school, terrible in school growing up. I basically failed most of my classes in middle school, elementary school as well, too, to the point where my dad was like you need to get a tutor. He said we need to get you a tutor, and I cared a lot, right. What everybody thought of me is we all do is we're younger and we're very, very egotistical of what our friends think. And I was like dad, dad, please, please, don't make me get a tutor. That's so embarrassing. And I remember he looked at me and he was like Rachel, you know what I believe in you, and your mind is just like your body You can train it.

Speaker 2:

You can train it and you can learn it and you can discipline it, and I believe you can do it. And you know what's so interesting?

Speaker 2:

in that moment something clicked and I was in middle school and I started to just bust my ass in studying because I did not want to be made fun of or had a tutor or anything like that, and I started to get straight A's and I got good enough grades to get into a college like Baylor And I never really thought about that moment very much, ken, but actually recently I've been really thinking back to that and like what has really helped me so much on my online entrepreneurial journey.

Speaker 2:

I am not the most intelligent person, i did not do very well in school or any of that, but I had this insane level of discipline because I was never the best at a lot of things. I was an athlete. I had that discipline and I learned very early on that I could achieve anything that I wanted to if I set my mind to it, and I never leaned on talent and never leaned on talent. I always leaned on discipline and work ethic. So that actually served me very much later on in life. But you know, getting back to my story, i went to Baylor. I decided I wanted to study nutrition and dietetics.

Speaker 1:

Okay, before we get into Baylor, i want to back up just a little bit because I think what you said just a minute ago I would love to drill down on. And I love what you said just a minute ago because I say this on almost every podcast I'm on I've never been the most gifted, i've never been the smartest, i've never been the best looking, i've never been the most anything. But nobody will outward me, nobody's gonna show up every single day. So I love that about you. But I wanna go back to what you just said about your dad, because I think that's huge And I love how you said you've been processing through that lately.

Speaker 1:

I've got four daughters, 27, all the way down to 15. And just those moments with your father and the words we speak into the lives of our children, especially a father into a daughter, because I mean I see it fleshed out. My 27 year old just found out she's pregnant, so I'm gonna be a papa, which I can't wait. I'm super excited about. But walk me through. Especially, you've been processing this a lot lately. You said you know your dad said it's just like your body. You were already an athlete. You understood what it meant to work hard to be successful, to win in athletics. When you did that, walk me through what you remember about your confidence level going to the next level, when you started to excel in your academics.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I'll even backtrack a little bit more. You know my dad had a very verbally abusive father. He spoke a lot of terrible things into my dad, would say things like you're gonna be a garbage man when you grow up. You're so stupid And would literally like have more of this like drill sergeant type mentality with my father And my dad. You know I didn't grow up with the best parents. There was a lot of trauma that took place there. But the one thing my dad did to break that generational curse is he's like I will never speak bad into my kids. I will never, ever do that. And he made that.

Speaker 2:

One decision And that's exactly what he did for me is my dad always spoke, you know, prosperity. He actually prophesized into my life in a lot of ways. He named me Rachel after the biblical name Rachel in the Bible, which Rachel was the most beautiful. Rachel was married to greatness, And he would always speak that into my life. He's like I named you Rachel for a reason You are Rachel because you're destined for greatness, you're gonna be the mother of nations, and he spoke that into me. He said God has a specific calling for your life.

Speaker 2:

And when I struggled a lot in school, you know I was bullied a lot And I went through a lot of just normal teenage stuff. Right, he was the one person to just be like Rachel. I believe in you And this is something you can develop over time. It's just like your body tied into something that, right, i knew and I understood as a young girl. So, you know, it's hard to say what really came up for me in the moment, but I now look back as an adult And I look at all of my success that I've created building, you know, a multimillion dollar business on the health side and everything my work ethic, you know, and that's really what I've been able to attribute it to.

Speaker 2:

I'm like. I always say to everybody I'm like I am by no means the most talented, and even when it came to athletics I wasn't probably the most talented, but I worked harder than anybody else because I wanted it more than anybody else, i loved it more than anybody else And I think very often that's exactly what it takes. And I love what you said there about being a father and speaking into your kids, because at a young age, we're so you know, we're so pliable and imprintable. we make stuff of our beliefs and what we really think about ourselves, and the father in particular has the ability to speak identity into their kids. right, and my church was sharing this actually recently, you know, because there's so many things about identity nowadays where people are confused, right, and they talk about kids who are raised without a father, their likelihood of success and the things that they end up dealing with later in life. but the kids who are raised without a mother had the exact same potential and outcome as the kids who were raised with both parents, and what's so interesting about that is it really showcases the power of a father has in their kid's life and really to speak identity.

Speaker 2:

I truly believe why so many people are confused nowadays is because they didn't have a strong father figure in their life to say this is who you are, this is who we are and this is what we stand for. So we end up confused very often when we struggle with identity and all of these things. So at a very young age, the father plays such a crucial role of speaking identity into who we are, which translate to later in life And now to this day, my identity is based in those things that my dad spoke into, even how subtle they were, as I believe in you. you can get wherever you wanna go, you're gonna be great. God has a calling for your life, like still to this day. that plays a massive role for me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i love that People understand the power of life and death really is in the tongue. We literally have the ability to speak life or death over our children, over our friends, in our relationships. So I wanna back up a little bit. So what you're doing right now, cause I heard you story at Amberley's event in North Carolina. I was blown away because you absolutely do not look like somebody who's ever had any health problems Like you look like you're the opposite of somebody you would think had health problems. When did your health problems first start to appear?

Speaker 2:

Actually at the peak of my fitness career. So I went to Baylor for nutrition and dietetics my whole life. I wanted to be a bodybuilder. I wanted to help people lose weight, build muscle, cause that's what I loved. So I got into dietetics, i started competing in bodybuilding and I crushed it right, because I had this insane discipline and it was I blew my mind into what I was able to attain. You know, i was competing at the national level. I was winning competitions back to back to back. I was maintaining a 10% body fat And from the outside, looking in, i was truly the epitome of health.

Speaker 2:

People were like this girl. That's what grew my social media following to, you know, well over 150,000 was because of my body and what I represented. But you know, what was so interesting is on the outside. Yes, i was physically fit. I looked like the epitome on health, but slowly, inside I was deteriorating. Right.

Speaker 2:

I was dealing with a ton of depression, anxiety. My mental health was suffering. I started to eventually battle hormonal imbalances and thyroid issues And I went to Western medicine. They did all the testing and I was put on birth control. I was put on an antidepressant And I didn't think anything of it at the time, because that's what you do. You know Something's off. Go to the doctor. They do all the basic testing, they give you a medication and hey, that's the approach. But really what ended up being the most bothersome to me was I had terrible gut issues. So I was chronically bloated all the time and couldn't eat anything without now being in massive pain. And I did skip over a lot here in the story, because the gut issues really started out probably three years into competing, after I'd actually won like first place at a competition, getting ready to go pro, and just internally a lot of things were shifting.

Speaker 2:

So here I am, you know, in my early 20s, looking like the epitome of health, but all of these health issues starting to come up that you wouldn't see otherwise, looking from the outside in, like I looked healthy but I wasn't, and for me this affected every aspect of my entire life.

Speaker 2:

Relationships suffered, i could barely go to work, i could barely get out of bed anymore, i was massively depressed And you know I'm not the person who just sits back right. Some people have health issues and, like we know, we need to lose weight, we're fatigued, there's just things that we know are not where they should be, but we're not really doing a whole lot about it. I felt like I was doing everything I could, because that's the mindset that I had. So I went to probably every specialist, i did every scan and everybody just gave me medication and said hey, you have IVS or you know, your hormones and your thyroid are a little low. So I was given the medication for that and I just continued to get worse and worse over the next year, where I could actually no longer even go to the restroom at all without doing an NMR, which-.

Speaker 1:

Wow. So what was the shift there? from you to go, man, these doctors aren't helping me. What was the shift? to get you into some more holistic approach in really going after some of the problems you had in your body.

Speaker 2:

When I was sent to a colorectal surgeon and they gave me the solution of removing my entire large intestine. Wow Yeah, they couldn't really figure out the motility issue in my gut and I continued to get worse, so that was the solution, right? So having to use an NMR to even use the restroom is probably the most miserable thing ever, and I know this is not cute or sexy to talk about. I feel like I've talked about it so much.

Speaker 1:

It's like I think it gives people It gives people really an in-depth look at what you were going through And on the outside it looked good and you were winning and you were doing all these things at a very high level, but on the inside obviously inside, pun intended physically you were not doing well. I think it gives people a real look at like, oh dang, like she overcame And this is what I loved about your story was what you've overcame. You had it and then all of a sudden you get hit with this unbelievable diagnosis And here's the treatment plan and you said, no, i'm not going to do it this way, i'm going to do it another way.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and what was so interesting about the diagnoses that I got is they weren't actual, true diagnoses, and I know this now. They were actually what I call a trash can diagnosis, where they're giving you a diagnosis like IBS irritable bowel syndrome which is describing your symptoms, and then they're treating it with a medication which really what they're saying is we don't really know what's going on, like your gut is irritable, and Western medicine often looks at everything as independent symptoms, right, independent systems. So your thyroid is off. Well, no one was asking the question why. And you know if one person, one person, had actually looked at me and what was happening in my life. How was that 10% body fat? I had maintained that for three years I had a ton of stress in my life. They had actually looked at my nutrition. Honestly, the answer was actually pretty obvious as to what was really going on metabolically, physically, and why a lot of these things were shifting. But we go to Western medicine for all of these answers and they look at just the number very basic, and then I treat the number. No one looked at me as a person. So here I am being sent to a colorectal surgeon to have an entire organ removed.

Speaker 2:

Now, at this point, to fix this quote unquote issue. So for me, that was like the breaking point, and you know, at that moment, though, i will say this I was so miserable, i was willing to get the surgery, like I was like give me the fucking medication, give me whatever I need to do to get better. So when I speak about this, when I speak about it coming from a place, i know what it's like to be that miserable. I know what it's like to wanna give up. I know what it's like to wanna take the quick fix, to take the easy road out, because I was there in my life. I know what that's like. But you know what? I had? just that subtle, very small piece of faith And they talk about this in the Bible of if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you still have faith.

Speaker 2:

And I had a small amount of faith, and that small amount of faith led me to there has to be another way. There has to be another way, and, taking that same drive, that same discipline that I've had my entire life and everything, i now put it into my own healing, and I became obsessed with learning everything that I could about my gut, the microbiome, how everything was interconnected, taking a root cause approach, functional medicine And I would study for literally hours and hours and hours learning about all of these things, starting to work with a functional medicine practitioner, taking more of a root cause approach, doing a different testing that they don't do with Western medicine, looking at things like my adrenals, looking at things like my gut microbiome And I started to put all of these puzzle pieces together that Western medicine failed to do. I started to change my nutrition because my diet was full of it was macro-friendly, healthy body composition, but it was full of a lot of things that were tearing up my gut.

Speaker 1:

And how long in this process did you get to this point, Rachel?

Speaker 2:

To beginning to heal.

Speaker 1:

When you started to realize what it was like hey, if I can do this, this and this, this is gonna help me change and get better.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my healing was probably a year long process. I probably dealt with the issues for a year or so in totality. I mean, we're talking two years of me really going through this and just putting these different things together and working with different people along the way too. I think practitioners, coaches, they're all just a guide, but we have to be willing ourself to do the work And we actually are healing ourself. Nobody else is healing us. We have been wanting the healing for ourself and he wanted it and I was willing to do what it took. But you know, what was so interesting is, along with changing my diet and doing the functional medicine protocols and addressing my microbiome and all of these very tactical things, the place I really had to start to look at was the relationship that I had with myself. It was that relationship, the way I was viewing myself, and I think, if we look at society as a whole, with their health issues and epidemic of being overweight, obesity, if we look at to what are a lot of people's core pains, it really comes down to that relationship with self, which is really a self-worth issue, in my opinion, if we really peel back a lot of the layers and I'll explain here.

Speaker 2:

What I mean, because the place I was operating from in my life at that time was I was hustling for my worthiness.

Speaker 2:

In a lot of ways, i was putting my sense of worth in my body, in my accomplishments, in so many of these things that were outside of myself. And we almost look at this and praise this as a society, something that's incredible. Right, we praise people for these things, and for me, this actually led to the downfall of a lot of my health issues, and it can be on that extreme side, but it can also be on the other side of the spectrum too. I see it this quite a bit, with people who aren't doing what they need to for their health, right, they're not choosing to eat foods that love them back, they're not moving their body, and it still is a self-worth issue at the core, because it's saying I am not worthy enough to have these things. So, when we really get to the root cause, right, cause that's what I'm all about is, how can we get to the root cause of these things? I truly believe it's this self-worth issue, this epidemic that we are all struggling with, and it's healing that relationship with self.

Speaker 1:

So what part in that journey then? So you're obviously working on the physical side, doing some functional medicine, something different than just Western medicine, and what part in that journey, rachel, did you begin to go? oh my gosh, this is me, this is my mindset, this is the way I'm looking at myself, because this is what I think I'm worth, and this is why I'm having the beginning of my problems. What part of the journey? where did that take place for you?

Speaker 2:

That's such a good question. I would start to get some progress. I truly would, right. I got rid of the Western medicine approach, i would start to do some of the functional medicine protocols, taking all the supplements, doing these protocols for healing my gut, changing my diet, and I would make a little bit of progress, like I would feel better, but I would never fully really get there. I mean, i was never really fully like and I don't think we ever get to places where we're fully healed totality. But I was still struggling with a lot of these symptoms And I'm like there has to be something missing And you keep running into the same things over and over again.

Speaker 1:

I just look a little bit different.

Speaker 2:

They're just like in a different box with a different wrapping paper at different times, but they're really often the same core issue. And it was when I decided to really start to do a lot of the deep, deep, deep inner work on myself. I realized the place I was operating from, that I was creating a lot of these things. Right, we create these things in our life based off of the way in which we relate to ourself, our view of self.

Speaker 1:

And when you say deep work, walk already us through that, what does exactly? are you talking about?

Speaker 2:

So deep work is really understanding. It's creating awareness around the views I have of myself and where they come from. And for me, doing a lot of that work, it started, yes, more on the therapy side, but I think that's very, very superficial, but for a lot of people that's kind of what gets them in the door. For me it had to be being radically honest with myself. Being radically honest with myself And for me, journaling has helped exponentially to be able to face some of those ugly truths, the things like we don't wanna face, they're scary to face. To be able to be radically honest, like the reason why I am doing all of these things, is because of I'm trying to fill something here that feels empty. And when we really can tune in with ourself and be radically honest, things start to make sense. Right, and I've worked with different coaches along the way. I've done a lot of the therapy working with the coaches where it is really diving deeper into, like your childhood, like stopping to talk about that, of course.

Speaker 2:

And seeing where did this original view of self really come from? right, Because we create these views of self based off of the things that have happened in our life. And a lot of these views that I had about myself were stemming from my upbringing, right. Like I had parents that were not around a whole lot. Like my dad did a lot of incredible things. But later on in life, like my parents were absent, My dad actually struggled with his mental illness, My mom was physically absent a lot, parting drinking, bringing home men to other house who she would sleep with, And we were really alone a lot.

Speaker 2:

But the ways I was able to feel a sense of love when I was younger was through athletics. Kind of going back full circle to that was athletics, And that was when they even paid attention at all. So there was this view of self that I created when I was younger. right That in order to feel a sense of worthiness, I have to. You could fill in the blank with anything. Let me all carry this. We all carry this. This is not unique to me. All of us carry this.

Speaker 2:

We say in order to feel a sense of worthiness, I need to make X amount of money, I need to have the perfect body, I need to look, I need to be achieving, I need to. You know, whatever it may be, but it's understanding. Where did that come from right? Who taught you to think the way that you think? Because very often we just think the way that we think, because we've always thought that way. We never actually challenged our way of thinking. So guess what We get what we've always got. I wonder why? and we blame everything outside of us instead of actually saying you know what?

Speaker 1:

I created this And so one of the things you talked about you did that helped you was your journaling. Yes, what were some? what were? because there's people that are gonna listen to this podcast that go. they're either in the journey that you took or they're about to go in the journey that you took. What were some of the other things, rachel, that you did to help you really define Cause I have so I I'm goals, gratitude affirmations, top three. every morning I do my mirror work. I mean, i did it on my phone, my Peloton. this morning I do my 10, i love yous. I'm doing my five affirmations. What were some of the things that you did that helped you really begin to look at and then redefine who you were to yourself so that you could move forward?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, So one of the reasons why I love journaling is because it is a private place to be able to have that conversation with self right, to be able to really write about and put on paper the things that are really coming up in my mind. Like if we were to actually say out loud very often, like how we speak to ourselves, we'd be like that's not true, Like that's not true at all.

Speaker 2:

I'm not bad at all of these things because we're so hard on ourselves. So when I'm journal, i'm able to first create awareness of what is it.

Speaker 2:

that is the story that I'm actually telling myself, and from there, like writing it all out write out the thoughts that you think, write out the story, write out whatever it may be, be radically honest with yourself. And from there I get to ask myself a very powerful question. One is where did this come from? Where did this belief actually come from? And very often, when we ask that question, we're able to realize that this is not actually the truth. This is something that I was taught to believe. It's something that I took on based off of something that happened in our life, And sometimes the answer doesn't come to you immediately. You're like where this came from, right, But even just asking that question is powerful, And sometimes it's been days later, weeks later, and I'm like and it came to me, But the powerful part was even asking that question and creating that awareness of these are the thoughts.

Speaker 2:

This is the story that I'm telling myself about me. That is not serving me Understanding where this came from. And sometimes you'll get an answer And you know what. Sometimes you want, sometimes you want. And the third question that you get asked is is this true? Is this actually true? And very often I say most of the time it's not true. It's not true The stories that we tell ourselves, the beliefs that we carry about ourselves. And if it's not true, what is the truth? So that's that that next question What is the actual truth?

Speaker 1:

And I love that. What may I say? one question real quick. What were some of the stories you did start to tell yourself?

Speaker 2:

That new story.

Speaker 1:

What were some of the new stories and new things you started to tell yourself that you knew were really like? either these are truths about me or I want these to be truths about me.

Speaker 2:

I think, as someone who's always been perfectionistic and has placed so much emphasis around you know my physical body or around my achievements, you know it was really the affirmation of it is your authentic self that is changing the world. It is your most authentic self, the weird parts of you and I say weird in a good way, because I'm like goofy at times You know it is the version of you that is truly the most authentic you that is changing the world. That is the version that you need to bring into speaking. It is that version of you that you bring into your coaching and is that version of you that people want to hear. It's that version of you that is changing the world.

Speaker 2:

And this is something I had to remind myself of daily because so often right, we self reject ourselves.

Speaker 2:

We reject ourselves and we put on a persona of who we think we should be and we're not actually ourselves.

Speaker 2:

So part of this and what was so healing for me was really that self acceptance of the most authentic version of me and also affirming what are some of my God given talents, that I do have. Some of the God given traits that I do have, do have and actually drive is one of my God given gifts. It's something that God gave me that, in when it used for God's purpose, when used for the pursuit of helping other people, is an incredible gift. That is a part of who I am, at my core. But when the ego takes that drive and uses it for its purpose to attain a sense of value in accomplishments, body, whatever it may be, that I just got out, i would say ego, i just got out. So it's also the affirmation of these are my God given gifts drive. I'm a visionary at the core, like that is who I am. So I affirm those different things in myself, but also that most authentic sense of self and really reminding myself the truth of who I really am in the process.

Speaker 1:

I love that. So you're walking through. You're walking through this healing journey. How long you said it was about a year before you really started physically to get better.

Speaker 2:

Probably a year, until I started to see some massive shifts shifts physically, and one thing I actually say quite a bit talk about in social media is you know, the whole person must heal for the gut to function optimally. So I do focus quite a bit around gut health, but it is that whole person healing which I think healing at the core is. It's something that is just ever evolving Right. You don't ever get to a place where you're healed. Now, on the physical side, we can physically heal the body, but the soul side, which is where a lot of our pains are stored, that is something that we are always continuously healing. And anytime you also up level in your life, like you, you're getting uncomfortable. You're pursuing new things in your life. There's just new layers that you have to heal back. You're like what happened I?

Speaker 2:

thought I did all of this work, i was good, i was fine, and now all these things are coming up again. You know the self talk on viewing myself again. I thought I healed all of this. I was good You healed it at this level.

Speaker 1:

That's right.

Speaker 2:

You'll get at this level. But now you have up, leveled and there's there's new levels to peel back, so it's it's truly healing And I think it's falling in love too with that healing journey, right? So, for example, public speaking for me used to be one of my biggest fear, because I was introverted And I was a shy girl. I was the girl in the back of the classroom, i never spoke up. I also had a story of you know what I had to say didn't matter, right. So when I started to speak, i had all of this fear and I'd get anxiety and you know, it started very like in small groups of people and honestly took a day till this day. I sometimes still get nervous, i get an ambulance event, like I still get some of that stuff that comes up. But now I can get in front of people and I can podcast And I'm also okay if I mess up and I say some ums and ahs, because I'm like you know what I did, who I am, and that's part of it.

Speaker 2:

And I have been able to heal it at a certain level. But I also know if I were to speak in probably front, in front of 5000 people, there'd be some things that would come up. There'd be like I'm not good enough, i can't be doing this, and that's. That's actually normal. So it's just another level and there's new layers to peel back. But I also like to reframe it, though in different circumstances, when you're noticing some of those things that come up, oh, this means I'm actually up leveling in my life and there's just new layers to peel back.

Speaker 1:

It's an encouragement instead of a discouragement, exactly Because you realize I'm going here and to go here, i've got to face some of these things that I faced before. Walk, walk us through, because what I love about your story, rachel, is you walk through all this hardship. You walk through all these health issues. You talked about your, your, your gut. You talked about your physical fitness. You talked about 10% body fat. You walked through all of that, i believe, for a reason, and I write down. One of my affirmations I write down is I am whole.

Speaker 1:

I choose to use past pain to help others find healing, which really is exactly what you're doing right now. You are using your past pain and the things you went through to help other people find healing quicker than you did and to be able to help them live an optimal physical actually not physical, but what we would say in our core five faith, health, relationship, business and finances really live an optimal life in all five areas. When in the journey did you go? boom, aha, light bulb moment? I want to help people get through this, this journey that I just took.

Speaker 2:

I think when you go through a healing journey and this could be a health healing journey, this could be just like the relationship with self-healing journey you realize the power really comes from not healing yourself. Yes, that's the first part, but the evolution is taking the things that you've walked through, healing that from those things and turning it outward, and I think that's when healing really starts to become full circle. Right, and that's what I talk about a lot now that I've started my own mastermind. I call it the evolution. and I call it the evolution for that exact reason. It is taking those things that you've walked through, healing from it and turning it outward and helping other people do the same. And that is really what a conscious entrepreneur is all about. right, and I talk about that quite a bit as well the difference between an entrepreneur and a conscious entrepreneur, right?

Speaker 2:

So a traditional entrepreneur is chasing wealth, right, they're chasing wealth, very often coming from a place of lack. I am lacking something inside, i'm lacking something in my life and I will be happier when I get here. I am chasing wealth, and it's always that finish line that's always moving further and further away. Versus a conscious entrepreneur, it's really more so about being in abundance. So it is taking those things that you've walked through and it's turning it outward, but it's bringing yourself into the work that you do. It's falling in love with the work that you do, and there's nothing more liberating and rewarding than using your own story to help other people right? There's so many people out there that now talk on personal development and talk about all of these things And I'm like how do you actually lived through this in your life? There's so many business coaches. I'm like I want to work with a person who has started from nothing.

Speaker 1:

Who's actually done a business?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's actually had to go through some of the deep shit, And that's what also has made my functional medicine nutrition practice so successful is because people hear my story and they're like she has been where I am at and she's came out on the other side, And that is what is inspiring to other people And I think also to conscious entrepreneurship.

Speaker 1:

It's also not just about wealth.

Speaker 2:

It's not just about wealth. Prosperity is the physical side of things. abundance is that state of being. Abundance is your relationships. It's the quality of your relationships, in your life. Abundance is the relationship you have with God. It's the relationship you have with yourself. It's knowing yourself, it's truly knowing and choosing you over anything else.

Speaker 1:

That's being an alignment. It's being an alignment. So give me a couple people you've worked with. Give me a couple of stories, a couple of testimonies of people that you've worked with that were like you were able to help them walk through this journey because of what you had experienced.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so actually my client Clode is a prime example and she struggled with an autoimmune condition for a really long time Hashimoto specifically, it's for your antibodies that attack your thyroid. Your thyroid plays a pretty big role in your metabolism too, so a lot of the women struggle to lose weight. She had gone to Western medicine. She tried pretty much everything to help her fix her thyroid. She was given medication for her thyroid and that was it.

Speaker 2:

I met her at an event and I was like has anybody looked at your gut? And she was like no, why would you look at my gut? It's my thyroid. And I was like, ok, your immune system, it's in your gut. We need to look at your gut And it's so interesting about the clients I work with. Very often it starts more physical, but as we create more trust it goes to these deeper levels as well. So she signed up to work with me in the functional medicine approach. We found out that, yes, a lot of her core issues were stemming from poor gut health bacteria dysbiosis, intestinal permeability, which, when you have that, you get food, bacteria, toxins leaking through your gut into your bloodstream, which triggers an immune and inflammatory response systemically throughout the body, creates more antibodies that attack your thyroid High level of what happened.

Speaker 2:

I won't go too much into the science side, but we were able to figure out the root cause from a physical side And I started to do some of the same thing as I did for myself Some of the gut healing protocols on her changing her nutrition, her lifestyle, and she was able to lose weight And she was able to have her energy back And physically, for her, it changed her entire life. We did dive into some more like the deep emotional side, but for her starting out, it was really just on the physical transformation. She was a very driven person as well, but what's so interesting is she went then through her healing journey And she's like Rachel I want to help other people.

Speaker 2:

Oh no them. Do this too, like I want to help women postpartum. She struggled a lot with postpartum depression And I actually ended up certifying her in functional medicine. I'm launching a functional certification course here in a few months now just because of her And so many other people now wanting it, did the functional certification course And then we stepped into doing some business coaching And now Claude, who's had her incredible healing journey using functional medicine.

Speaker 2:

Taking this root cause approach, she decided she wanted to help other people do this. She started her business, bringing in her own story into the things that she was talking about, and I think even earlier this year she had her first $100,000 month in her business. Yeah right, like insane. And this is kind of where more my work is evolving to. It's literally my story. It's like the physical healing side And then being like I want to help other people do this Once you've done a level of your own healing and then creating a business around that and having credibility. Yes, in terms of a certification, the education side, but also your story, is so powerful to bring into the work that you do. So that's just one example.

Speaker 1:

No, I love that. I love that, Rachel. where's the best place for people to connect with you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, instagram is a great way to connect. That's where I'm the most active. It's Rachel Shear. My practice is Rachel Share Nutrition. My mastermind is Evolved Women, and then you can check out my website, rachelshearcom.

Speaker 1:

Now, where are you at? You're in Dallas, right? Yes, what church? Who's your pastor?

Speaker 2:

Elevate Life, Keith Croft.

Speaker 1:

OK, yeah, i know, keith, you've heard of him. Yeah, i do, i do. Yeah, i sure do. Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah, great church. I love Robert Morris. I'm in the Dallas area A good bit. One of my best friends is in Los Calinas.

Speaker 2:

And you came out to elevate before.

Speaker 1:

I have not. I know where it's at And I've known Keith for probably 20 years Oh really. Because I pastored half the last 30 years.

Speaker 2:

I did not know that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I spent half the last 30 years in full-time vocational ministry.

Speaker 2:

I did not know.

Speaker 1:

Pastoring churches and playing churches. Yes, ma'am, i sure did. Well awesome. Well, listen, guys. listen. go check Rachel out, rachel Shear. she's on Instagram, the last name S-C-H-E-E-R. I'll attach a link on here for you, for people to be able to find out a little bit more about what you do. We really just barely broke the surface of everything you've got going on, but I love your story. I love what your dad did, speaking life into you and really helping you, And then you just taking the journey and really using your past pain to help other people find healing. It's been an amazing journey.

Speaker 2:

Last thoughts I just would add that the greatest work is the work that you get to do on yourself. Ultimately And I feel like we all hear that before, but I think for anybody who's listening to your podcast it's maybe more so on the business, the entrepreneur side, because I know you're awesome at that But truly we can only reach certain levels based off of our own level of healing. So we can call it personal development, we can call it healing whatever label we want to get it But it's really doing a lot of that deep inner work And, as I have done more of that on myself, i've been able to reach greater heights, but not coming from necessarily a place of lack That's where I used to came from but really coming from this place of living in abundance and operating from that place.

Speaker 1:

I had a pastor friend of mine. I think it was Rick, i think it was Rick Warner This is Rick or Craig Grissel. About 15, 20 years ago. We were having dinner together And he said your level of impact will be equal to the level of pain you're willing to put up with or go through to become the best version of yourself. And as you become the best version of yourself, it then unlocks you to be able to make an impact in other people's lives at the level that you're willing to do the work on yourself.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you think about it, we put ourself in whatever box we're in right now, whatever box we're in, and I think that's what's so inspiring about this. Anything that I want to do, i can do, but it all comes back to that self, that view of self.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's awesome. Well, rachel, thank you for joining us. We appreciate you. Guys, thanks for joining us on another episode of As A Leader Grows Rachel Sheer. Go check her out on Instagram, guys. As always, if this episode has blessed you, listen, hit that subscribe button, share it. You're listening, snap a screenshot, share it on Instagram. We'd love to share that to our audiences as well. Listen, one month away from Dallas, texas, create in Dallas, july 26, 27, 28,. I'm going to be joined by good friends Gosh, brenda Bruchard, irwin McManus, katherine and John Gordon, gary Brecca, amberley Lago and tons of other Randy Garn, tons of other amazing friends as we spend two and a half days walking through helping you with our Core 5, faith, health, relationship, business and Finances. Growsdrivecom forward slash create. Growsdrivecom forward slash, create. Get your info, get your tickets. We will sell this bad boy out, probably in about two more weeks. Thanks, guys, we'll see you next week.