As The Leader Grows with Ken Joslin

Coaching with Ken | Entrepreneurship: The Power of Action

Ken Joslin

Can you imagine the power of taking one step forward, every single day? Let's embark on a journey together where we unlock the potential of action over illusion, drawing from the wisdom of Sharon Lecter, Ansel Adams, and Jim Rohn. Brace yourself to leap into motion, to plunge into the realm of entrepreneurship even when perfection seems unattainable. Your journey towards success starts with a single action, and as your companion on this journey, I, Ken Joslin, urge you to seize the day, operate from a place of focus, and aim towards your specific goals. My experience of being recognized in a restaurant in Alabama was a result of taking action, and your journey can yield similar results. 

The second part of our journey emphasizes the profound power of community. Let's delve into the motivating energy of like-minded individuals, drawing inspiration from my experiences within the GSD community. When we stand together, we hold each other accountable, fostering an environment of growth and motivation. Let's play a part in each other's success story. I extend to you an invitation to join our exciting free 10-day challenge. Success cannot escape you when you commit to doing the right things every single day. The power of action, coupled with the strength of community, can transform your entrepreneurial journey. Join me to discover how!

Welcome to the ATLG podcast I am your host Ken Joslin, former pastor turned coach & host of CREATE, the #1 Faith-based Entrepreneur conference in America. My mission is to help faith-based entrepreneurs become the best version of themselves by growing in our Core 5: Faith, Health, Relationships, Business & Finances. You can get more information as well as join our FREE Facebook group at

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Speaker 1:

Good morning, fam. Welcome to another episode of as the leader grows. I am your host, ken Joslin, and I am ridiculously excited about this episode. Well, you'll say, ken, you're always ridiculously excited about your episodes, and that would be true. But I want to talk about something that I believe is one of the most important things as business owners that we can do, and I want to use three of my favorite quotes that I. I literally use these three quotes over and over and over and over. One of them is from my good friend, sharon Lecter.

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Sharon and Tim Story and I were at an event together in Nashville, tennessee, when I heard Sharon say this quote. She said you don't need magic, you need motion. You don't need magic, you need motion. The reality of it is, guys, is the majority of us we wait until things are perfect, we wait till we've got it all figured out, we wait until everything comes quote unquote, in alignment before we take action. And if there's one thing that I've learned from my friend and mentor, grant Cardone, it's about taking action. The number one thing that you can do as an entrepreneur isn't sit and try to figure something out. It's taking action. And you're like Ken isn't that messy Can be. It definitely can be, but I promise you guys, we did not get where we are. I did not get where we're at inside of GSD, apart from taking action. Like literally, it's all about taking action. You don't need magic, you need motion. Listen, it's about focused effort. We've got about 75 days left in 2023. So my question to you today is this what do you want to accomplish? What do you want to accomplish over the next 75 days? And whatever that is, I want to encourage you today to take massive action. Stop waiting.

Speaker 1:

I just had a conversation with a really good friend of mine in in Vegas. She's one of the top agents in the in the Midwest and we were talking and she's like I don't know if I want to do this. I don't know if I want to do this. I said, listen, just do it. Take a step, take action and try it. You're not going to know, number one, whether or not you like it or don't like it, unless you take action. You're also not going to know whether or not it's something that's going to work until you take action. Now. You can prep, you can plan, you can do all the things, but the reality of it is is nothing's going to happen until you take action. You don't need magic, sharon said, you need motion. It really all is it really? It really is all about taking action. It's about focused effort. I've got three huge goals that I am locked in on for the rest of 2023.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how many of you guys have ever watched the Kentucky Derby or a big time horse race, but you know, when they're lining those thoroughbreds up and they're bringing them race, bringing those race horses down the track and the jockeys on there, and you see the horse man, they're anxious and they're kind of kicking in the jockeys, kind of rocking. Well, one of the things that keeps the horse focused on the goal is what they put those blinders on them so they can only see straight ahead. One of the things about focused effort is you're not. You're not paying attention to all the things that come in from the side, all the different things that try to rob and steal your attention, but you literally can have focused effort on the thing that lies in front of you. So when you take action, you need to take action. Number one, on specific goals Again, we have not accomplished what we've accomplished in three and a half years at GSD because we've been sitting around waiting on this magic formula or this magic potion.

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No, we took motion. I went into motion. I took action when nobody else would take action. I took action when people were afraid to take action. Because what happens, guys, is when we're getting ready to take action, we're getting ready to take a step, we're getting ready to take a risk. What happens is that human nature, that animal brain, that dinosaur brain of ours, kicks in and goes Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, stop, stop, Stop, stop, stop. This is unsafe. We cannot do this, and what happens is, the majority of the time we do what we retreat instead of taking action and moving forward. So you don't need magic, you need motion. Listen, just take action.

Speaker 1:

I was at the. I was at Perry's steakhouse last night in Birmingham. I just got back in from an amazing seven day cross country road trip with my 15 year old daughter and I air being beat my house out while I'm gone. So I couldn't get back in my house until literally just a couple hours ago, and I went to Perry's last night to eat dinner. I'm sitting at the bar and I'm having some some dinner and I'm watching a little bit of the lion's game, and which were finally good, by the way and I'm sitting there and Stephen the bartender comes up to me. He goes hey, I said, dude, why are those two ladies looking at me and talk and plug, pointing at me? He goes they know you. And I'm like, well, how do they know me? And apparently the lady the one girl, she watches my Instagram she's like you.

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You host a conference, you've got this person coming in and John Maxwell and Brenda Bouchard and you do all these things. I mean I'm in Birmingham, alabama. I'm like nobody knows me here, right, like nobody knows who I am. No, they do know who. They did know who I am. And the reason they knew who I am, who I was, was was what reason? Because I take massive action. I'm literally every single day. It's incremental, not monumental. Small, daily, disciplined decisions Over time, always equal monumental results. Success cannot escape you when you do the right things every single day, take freaking action. If you want to accomplish the things that God's put in your heart, you have to take action.

Speaker 1:

Second favorite quote my good buddy, doug Volsky. I call him the sage of our GSD community. And listen, if you're an entrepreneur, you're listening to this and you don't have a community of entrepreneurs who have gathered around you Literally to to, who have, who have like-mindedness, same DNA, same desires. You're moving in the same direction. You've got to come check our community at grossdrivecom forward slash community. You can do our 10 day challenge for absolutely free and hop on a couple of our calls. They're amazing, absolutely amazing. Here's the quote from Jim Rohn Speed increases focus.

Speaker 1:

Speed increases focus. I'll pull in. I flew into the Atlanta airport. This has probably been about two years ago. I've been in the Atlanta airport a gazillion times, right. So I'm pulling out of the airport in my car and I'm looking for the sign that says 85 North so I can go home. Only problem is it's like midnight, it's like 1230. It's raining, it's dark and I'm like 50 years old in my eyesight. Up close is great. Give me a little bit of distance, man, and it's. It's hard. I could not see which one was 85 North. So what I did was, as my speed picked up and I got closer to the sign, what happened? The sign became more in focus. Speed increases focus.

Speaker 1:

We've got our mastermind coming up in Scottsdale or in Sundance, utah, in about two or three weeks, and One of the things about that. People are like, ken, how'd you start your mastermind? Where did it come from? Where did you, where did the thought process come from? When we started GSD, there was no such thing as a mastermind. I didn't even know what a mastermind was, and I got invited to speak at a mastermind in June, two years ago in Utah it's actually in Sundance Got invited by a friend of mine to come speak. It's where I met Randy Garn. It's where I met Dan Clark. It's where I met my good friend, kedma. Oh, I met a bunch of amazing people there.

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And so I'm speaking at the mastermind and I'm there the first day and I'm there for three or four hours and I'm like, wow, this is the next evolution for us at GSD. We need a, we need a spot for my high six figures, seven and eight figure earners to get together. We need a mastermind. And so what do we do? I started that was in June I started to plan and formulate our mastermind and then, in January, at our first create conference, we launched our mastermind and we had 20, that was in January of 2022. And then in May of 2022, I rented us about two or three million dollar lake house and we had 24 people show up for our very first mastermind. 24 people show up and now we've done three or four different locations and it's been absolutely life changing and transformative for everybody who's come.

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But I had no idea what a mastermind was until I started moving. You don't need magic, you need motion. I got in motion, I started to increase my speed, I started to pick up the pace and as I did, what happened? Things began to come into focus.

Speaker 1:

Steven Ferdick, pastor at Elevation Church some of you guys know him. I heard him say this. Probably, oh my gosh, it had been close to 15 years ago His first pastor's conference. He did, and they were still relatively small then. But I was there because I was about to plant a church in the Atlanta area and I'll never forget he said this he goes when it comes to making decisions.

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When I get to where I'm about 65 to 70% sure, I go ahead and pull the trigger and make the decision. And some of you guys are like man, there's no way in the world I could do that. I've got to have more information. I've got to have more intel. I've got to have more time. I've got to have more money. I've got to have more resources, I've got to have more staff members, I've got you make excuses on all the things you need to have in order or before you can make a decision.

Speaker 1:

He said when I'm 65 to 70%, sure, I pull the trigger and I make the decision. Well, ken, what happens if it's the wrong decision? Guess what? From time to time it's going to be the wrong decision, but what happens? You may not win, but you'll learn. You're not gonna lose, but you'll learn. You're gonna learn. I mean part of the whole journey of being an entrepreneur and becoming the best version of yourself in the process. Part of the journey is what? Making mistakes and learning from those mistakes. You don't need magic, you need motion. So you've got to start taking action. Got to start taking action. Gemro's speed increases focus. Listen. You've got to have focused effort and focused attention. Set specific goals. I have three huge goals between now and the end of the year 75 days left. What does that look like for you? Last quote and I'm done.

Speaker 1:

I share this every Monday from my Monday morning calls you don't need a new year to make a new start, all you need is a Monday. That's Anzel Adams. All you need is a Monday. Do you realize that every Monday that rolls around inside of the DNA of that Monday morning is the potential for you to do things you've never done before? Do you realize every Monday morning you wake up when that alarm clock goes off, or you get up before the alarm clock goes off and you open your eyes and you're like God. Thank you for giving me a breath. Let me put my feet on the floor. When my feet hit the floor, man, that Monday provides for me the DNA to do something extraordinary. That Monday provides me the DNA to do something that's transformative for other people. That Monday provides for me the DNA to be able to produce something that I've never produced before. You don't need magic. You need motion, speed increases, focus. You don't need a new year to make a new start. All you need is a Monday.

Speaker 1:

Listen, don't make excuses If you're listening to this podcast right now. Write at least one, two or three specific targeted goals for the next 75 days. Listen, guys, I love you. Thank you for joining me. This is like in. This is like in me today, like big time in me, but I appreciate you guys joining me. I love you a ton.

Speaker 1:

Listen if this has added value to you again if you would do me a couple of things. Number one subscribe to our podcast. Greatly appreciative if you would hop over and leave us a five star review on Apple Podcast or Spotify or wherever you listen to. This. That would be amazing. Also, listen if you're not in a community. I wanna invite you to join us on our free 10 day challenge, grossdrivecom forward slash challenge. You can jump in for 10 days. Access our course on mindset strategy leadership development. You can access our community, our private Facebook, our private Facebook community and our two coaching calls that we do every Monday morning, 8 am Eastern. Every Wednesday night, 8 pm Eastern. Guys, I'll see you next time on. Has the Leader Grows?