As The Leader Grows with Ken Joslin

Dean Graziosi | The Game Has Changed

Ken Joslin

What if the chaos and uncertainty in our world today actually hold the key to unprecedented opportunities? Join us as we chat with Dean Graziosi, who shares his inspiring perspective on harnessing the transformative power of technology and connectivity. Dean illuminates how a shift in mindset from seeing obstacles to recognizing opportunities can lead to immense success. This episode also offers a sneak peek into the upcoming live event, "The Game Has Changed," where Dean and Tony Robbins will reveal the strategies you need to thrive in this new era.

Ever wondered how personal setbacks can be your greatest asset? Dean dives deep into how life's challenges can be transformed into valuable insights and informational products that benefit both you and the world. We discuss the importance of being in a growing industry, modeling proven practices, and finding mentors who have already walked the path you aspire to follow. Dean also shares the "cheat code" for success: proximity to successful individuals and the importance of genuine care and reciprocity in building lasting relationships with prospects and clients.

Is traditional education failing us? Dean argues that self-education is the future, emphasizing the high costs and low satisfaction often associated with formal education. Discover why specialized knowledge gained from real-life experiences is becoming crucial, and how self-education can lead to unparalleled success. We also discuss the inspirational energy of community events and the importance of staying motivated and connected. This episode is a call to action to make proactive steps towards personal growth and to positively impact the world around you.

Welcome to the ATLG podcast I am your host Ken Joslin, former pastor turned coach & host of CREATE, the #1 Faith-based Entrepreneur conference in America. My mission is to help faith-based entrepreneurs become the best version of themselves by growing in our Core 5: Faith, Health, Relationships, Business & Finances. You can get more information as well as join our FREE Facebook group at

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Speaker 1:

Hey, what's up guys? Welcome Dean Graziosi. What's up, my friend? How are you doing, dude?

Speaker 2:

Good to see you, man. How are you Good to see you?

Speaker 1:

Man, I am pumped man. It's been an amazing day, looking forward to what you and Tony always bring to the table. Next week, you guys are doing your new, just brand new deal that you guys have rolled out. Basically, the game has changed and I just wanted to connect those of you guys on Instagram watching this, those of you guys watching this here on YouTube, on LinkedIn, on Facebook, pretty much on all the different platforms. I mean thanks, number one, for showing up and tell me a little bit about next week and why you guys are excited about what you guys are bringing to the table.

Speaker 2:

Well, first off, great thanks for having me here, man and I think. Are we on instagram? I don't. I don't think we're on instagram. Am I on there as well?

Speaker 1:

I don't see myself. Nope, nope, hang on just one second, here we go, you're about everybody.

Speaker 2:

Well, I just want to make sure everybody's, everybody's. You let me know when that goes. There we go. That looks like it's coming. All right, you got me juggling a couple things here, ken, so I, you, you are now there, we go. Hey, everybody on instagram, hey, everybody, wherever you are. Um, so, listen, first off, it's good to be with you again, man, and everybody, how you doing. Happy Thursday.

Speaker 2:

Listen, let's just say it like it is the outside world is a little insane right now. We're in a crazy place. Places here in the States are heading into a crazy election year. It's been like a circus, and when those things happen in life without us realizing, when uncertainty goes up subtly, our confidence and courage to lean into who we're meant to be goes down. It just that's the way it goes. When it's so crazy out there, sometimes we protect, we back up in the goalie, so let's just see where things land. And that's not a time like this, is not a time to play goalie, to play safe. This is a time where we need to see opportunity, not obstacles. We need to be blessed with what we have, not be fearing what we lost. Right. We get to see what's right rather than what's wrong. I know it sounds simple, but in times like this it's hard. Sometimes we put our head in the sand without realizing On the opposite side of that, when so many people are feeling that way and there's so many shifts in the world that this is actually one of the greatest opportunities to prosper, because you don't have as much competition, you have technology and life changing so fast. We're all connected. Look at us. We're on multiple platforms right now together. Right, there is so much opportunity.

Speaker 2:

We only know what we know. Ken right, you're only born in your circumstances. Know what we know. Ken, right, you're only born in your circumstances. But my dad is 88 years old this week and born in 1936. Man, when I hear young as a 12 12 of them growing up in one house, one bathroom, two bedrooms, oatmeal morning, noon and night. Once a week they'd have a steak like. I hear what this guy had to go through before technology. Before my family didn't have money, but before technology, for all those things he didn't know anything different, so he wasn't complaining. Look at my poor life. He didn't know.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes we're born into an era and we can only see what's wrong and sometimes we just like shaking and shouting from the mountaintops of what's right and what's possible. We are connected like ever before. We are in a space where people appreciate knowledge and experience and learning from other people and modeling proven practices and all the things we could talk about today. What tony and I love talking about. We are actually in a golden era. And if you don't believe it, well then, how cool is it that you just believe that? Because when you believe something is there, don't you go chase it right. When you believe something is there, you get after it on another level, right. So what are we doing? Tony and I are going live. We're calling it the game has changed, because I truly believe the game has changed. Everything working okay, ken yeah, I'm actually pinning.

Speaker 1:

I'm actually pinning the link for them to be able to register for everybody watching this on Instagram Live. You can register right here and I'll share it on all the platforms as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so long story short, we're going live for three days. We're calling it. The Game has Changed, because it has, and over three days. It's June 13th, 14th and 15th. It's about three hours a day. We only do this once a year, but things have really changed.

Speaker 2:

And and listen, we didn't talk much about it. But the fact of the matter is, if you're someone who is unfulfilled in your current career, you know you're meant for something different. You're just not sure where cool you should show up, cause we're going to. You should come investigate. If you're someone that's kind of been in and out of entrepreneurship, kind of the part timer not being rude Maybe sometimes you dabble a little. It doesn't go right. You run back to something you don't like. Maybe you just never had the right plan, maybe never laid out the right map, the right guide, the right tools to actually achieve the goal you want, you should come.

Speaker 2:

And if you're in business and you don't you got to hear this one you don't already have an information product in your business? It's not on your profit and loss statement at the end of the year. You're missing out. Come learn how your life experience, whether you're starting, you want to scale, or you got a business you want to add how your life experience, a skill, a passion, a mess that you went through on the other side could be the most valuable asset you own.

Speaker 2:

You just got to know how to turn it into an asset, how to turn it into a product, how to find people that want it and make it into part of your business or the business itself, and that's what Tony and I've been doing collectively for 74 years. If it sounds like I have no idea what you're talking about, you should come. If you know what we're talking about and you want the competitive edge, you should come Happens once a year. We're going to hit a million people this year. Imagine being on with a million people from over a hundred countries, all with a desire to live into who they're meant to be, not who they're settling to be.

Speaker 1:

Let me ask you a question, dean, because you said something earlier that I kind of was like ah, and that was. You talked about a plan. Why don't you think most people have a solid roadmap for where they want to go in business and what will next week provide them for that roadmap?

Speaker 2:

I just think, were we really taught that, Ken? I mean, let me ask you, were we?

Speaker 1:

taught that in school? No, not at all, definitely not in school. And even in entrepreneurship it's ready fire aim. I mean, that's almost what you're taught. You know, school doesn't teach you anything about entrepreneurship. And then, when you're in the entrepreneur world, regardless of who you're hanging out with, the most of the time is take action. Ready fire aim. It's those things, instead of develop a great plan. I love what you said just a minute ago. You said the setbacks and the things that you've went through in life. Those things for you can become an informational product that you use to be able not just to benefit you but to benefit the world and have influence and impact.

Speaker 2:

Yeah for sure. And think about this. I don't want to oversimplify success, please hear me on that one. That's not what this is about. The fact of the matter is to have any success in life, you need a couple of things, and for me, I think this is the quickest road. Number one you have to be in an industry that's emerging right. You don't want to be in an industry that's shrinking, no matter how. If you're in the wrong boat, rowing in the wrong direction with the wrong people, no matter how hard you pull those oars, you're never getting to your destination. So you got to make sure you're in the right boat. That's. That's first and foremost.

Speaker 2:

Number two, and what makes the industry Tony and I are in we love so much is we must model proven practices. It's just a fact. You got to model proven practices If you want to get from where you are to where you want to be. You could take years going back to college. You could take years trying to figure it out on your own and maybe give up because it doesn't work. Or you can find somebody who's already done what you want to do and do whatever. Anything you can to learn from them, get coached from them, mentor from them, buy a course, buy a book from them. The secrets of success are in the pages of books, are in the videos of courses, they're in the mouths of your coaches, right?

Speaker 2:

So so many times we get freaked out on how to get to that next level of entrepreneurship. You know why? Because we ask the wrong question. We ask how, how am I going to get more followers? How am I going to get more leads? How am I going to change this? How can I be? You know recession proof how, how, how, how can inflation not how freaks you out. Who is the answer? You should be asking who has already thrived in a downward market? Who's already thrived when inflation is up? Who's already five thrived when this industry?

Speaker 2:

So if we're in the right business and we model proven practices of somebody who's already been there, then the next thing we just need is a deeper purpose. You know everybody talks purpose, and why so do I, so does every successful, successful entrepreneur. But the fact of the matter is you got to be hungry Like legit. You got to be hungry, and the right purpose gives you a hunger that'll outlast imposter syndrome, it'll outlast feeling insecure, it will outlast people looking at you like, oh, you're crazy. And why are you doing that? Right, a hunger will outperform anything, and if you're modeling proven practices and you're in an industry that's growing and you're hungry, then you just persist until you succeed. I mean, that's it.

Speaker 1:

I mean, proximity really is a cheat code, dean, and I've seen this my entire life, from officiating women's college basketball to umpiring college baseball to being super successful in ministry. To doing this there's been Sally Bell the first time I ever stepped on a basketball court in 1992 to referee. Sally's the most dedicated women's official in the history of the game 13 Final Fours Olympics in 96. She was a Division I coordinator for seven conferences. She was my clinician my first time. Marvin Hudson's been in the big leagues for 25 years. He was the first guy to ever teach me how to umpire In ministry. I had some of the top youth ministry and student ministry people in the world. I literally just did what they told me to do and I was successful. You, dean, grant friends that I've had now for four years, even in this space. I've just watched what you do for somebody that's out there right now thinking how is this different than any other webinar I've hopped on. What would you say to them, dean?

Speaker 2:

Well, you know, not knocking webinars, webinars are fantastic. It's not really a webinar because we go live for three days, three hours a day, and I'll just tell you I'm going to be really transparent. We're going to, we want to blow your mind so much and give you, blow you away so much and give you so much value that you say, if I'm going to be in this industry, I'm going to work with Tony and Dean. So if you know anything about us, if you've seen any of other events, we've got 11 events in a row that have averaged around a million people each and we're going to hit a million on this.

Speaker 2:

One is and you should take this into your own business, especially in a shifting time Reciprocity. Remember that value in advance. Give more than you think. You should. Fall in love with your prospect and your client, love them like their family and deliver to them like they are a family. And I know that might sound a little hokey, but that's that's. What makes this different is we're at a place in our lives where Tony and I don't need to do this. We want to. We want to show you because we know what life gave us. You love showing people how to be an entrepreneur through and with faith. You know what faith, what God Jesus has given you in your life, right? So why do you share it again? Because you know it's brought you something deeper, true, right.

Speaker 2:

It's like why do you share a good book? Why do you share? Cause it impacted you, it made a difference. And why do you share it? Cause you want it to impact other people, not cause you just try Like if, if you, if you have a relationship with Christ and you know it's bringing your life to another level, what do you want to do? Another level, what do you want to do? You want to share it with other people so they can have that.

Speaker 2:

If you at the restaurant is great, the food was good, you want people to eat it, so they have that good experience. Tony and I know what it's like to be able to take what's in between our ears, our life experience, and impact others and create a business that had no glass ceiling. And now we're doing it for people all around the world who never thought they could. It's addicting. So, just like great movie, we want people to come and see what's possible, so you can have the opportunity for life, work, integration, so you don't know when work ends and life begins, because both are just growing in a way that lights you up.

Speaker 1:

And when you're passionate about it and you talked about earlier. You said something about even the setbacks that you've went through you can use those to be able to impact and influence people. But one of the things you also mentioned was the platforms. Like, I don't care how small of a town you live in with the Internet and where we are today, we're on six or seven different platforms. Right now, you can take your message to the world just like that.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, absolutely, and listen, we call it. The game has changed, because I've been in this business almost 30 years, tony 45. We got like 74 years between us and it has been getting better every year. That's a fact. But the last 12 months, everything has changed. The game has changed completely. What used to take months can now take hours.

Speaker 2:

With the right technology, with the right AI AI that thinks, like Tony and I like literally, you get off the blank page, you get the outline, you get process processes and systems that we're going to reveal at this event are just it's mind blowing where it's gone.

Speaker 2:

So it's the reason we're so excited, because this is this is not, you asked me, what makes this different is, yes, we care, yes, we're doing this for the right reason, yes, we don't have to do this anymore. We want to do this, but we like changing the game and we like people to see what's possible and we want to show people the map, the plan, how to guide them and how to have the right tools to make this real, and so that's what. That's what makes this different. That's why you'll see this thing when it's over, you'll see the whole internet will be a buzz about this, because it's not some pitch fest for 90 minutes. It's a real event with massive value and, guilty, do we want you to still work with us after Heck? Yes, but we want to give you so much value in advance and prove ourselves that you wouldn't decide to work with anybody but us.

Speaker 1:

I love that. Hey guys those of you watching this on Instagram there's a link right down there. You can register down there, you can register, you click that link, you can register for free for next week and there's some upgrades. I think I did the whatever, the 37 or $97 for the whatever. The next step up was I did last week with you guys, dean, talk about, talk a little bit about you mentioned this and I love this fact. You guys don't have to do this anymore. You've got a brand new wife and a brand new baby and a young child and Tony's. You know been doing this for for 40 plus years. You literally don't have to do this. Talk about the legacy factor for you guys and what that legacy factor can look like for some of the people watching us today.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I'll just say Tony and I were on a golf course eight years ago. I only golfed twice a year, so to see with each other. It's just an excuse for us to go have a three hour conversation. Um, and we talked about finally starting a business together and we had been friends for quite some time and we said how could we do anything other than the thing that saved our lives Jim Rohn? Tony went to a Jim Rohn event when he was 17, shifted his life. I bought Tony's personal power when I was 27,. Shifted my life.

Speaker 2:

Self-education allowed us to love what we do, to feel passion every day, to wake up and jump out of bed so like, if we're going to start a business, we've been doing this for 70 years. Let's start a business to show people what we do. What is the legacy for us? Three things. Traditional education is broken. You might agree with it, might not. Traditional education system is broken. It's grown cost-wise exponentially faster than inflation. 76% of people who get a degree don't use it. Half the people who do use it hate the job they got. It is a broken system because it's general information in so many ways.

Speaker 2:

We are in a time where people want specialized knowledge. If I want to learn to do one specific thing, I just want to find somebody good at that specific thing and go do it. So that leads to we want to make that. We owe a debt of gratitude to this industry. Number two we want to make self-education the new normal within a decade. Within a decade. You go to. If you want to go to a job interview, they go. You went to school, yeah, whatever, but where did you get your specialized knowledge? That's what our goal is. And number three we're not going to be around forever. I'm 55, tony's 64. We're going to go until we can't keep our eyes open anymore. But someday we'd love to leave an army of people who realize that their life experience is the most valuable asset and they should feel guilty not sharing what they've learned. If we can do that in the next 10 years, we get to change the game forever.

Speaker 1:

You know a lot of people when they ask me, ken, how can I pray for you? It's always wisdom. But then I do have a lot of people that go dude, you've got a lot of wisdom and I'm like I'm 55. Do you know how many mistakes I've made? Do you know how much I've learned from other people's mistakes? And when you start compiling 74 years of being in this space and not just in the space of selling self-development or personal, but literally helping people become the best versions of themselves, man, you guys have learned some unbelievable lessons that people don't have to pay the same price for that knowledge that you guys had to pay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean literally. I mean let's just think about this in all areas of your life. Of course we'd love for you to come to our event, but even if you don't, here's some fundamental principles to remember. If you can get a map right. I mean just think if you were in the Amazon and someone said, hey, there's gold on the other side of the Amazon, it's 30 miles away. You could just run into the woods and try to get through the 30 miles. You might get bit by snakes, spiders, fall into a pit, fall off a cliff.

Speaker 2:

But if just a little bit down the way was a guy selling a map and said, hey, I've been, I've been walking through these woods for 25 years. I've mapped out each thing to be dangerous. Years I mapped out each thing to be dangerous. I could show you where to sleep over halfway. It's going to take you two days. Here's exactly where to go. One to go on. The map's five bucks. Like, of course you're buying the map, of course you're buying the map, and I just would encourage you to think about that in all areas of your life. I know I'm going to go back to what I said earlier, but when you're thinking, how the heck, am I going to figure this out. Just stop when you say how?

Speaker 1:

just stop and go who's already figured this out, so good. What would you say to the person out there that says I've tried this before. It didn't work?

Speaker 2:

two things you didn't have the right tools, you didn't have the right guidance, you didn't have the right map, or you didn't have the right hunger. You didn't have enough hunger. That's you know. That's um.

Speaker 2:

I had a long conversation with my 17-year-old daughter this morning. It was amazing Today, as if you're a parent and you're watching right now. It was just an incredible conversation. She, I just sat, we went and played tennis. She started playing tennis, so I played tennis with her at 6 am and then we had breakfast and I sat next to my 17, soon to be 18-year old daughter and realized she's a woman and it just was an amazing experience. I had tears in my eyes when I left breakfast and she asked me what the most important part of success was, amongst many other things in our conversation. I said, kid, in all these years, I can boil it down to one word hunger. Whoever's hungry or wins. If you are in an industry that's growing and you're modeling someone that's already made it work, you got to be hungry, got to be hungry and do whatever it takes to get hungry.

Speaker 1:

Well, getting in the rooms with people like you and Tony and then being on a Zoom call with a million people.

Speaker 2:

You want to talk about that? Yeah, it's a game changer.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, Just the energy itself that you. It's a game changer. Oh my gosh, just the energy itself that you guys bring to the table. I remember just a few months ago watching Jamie's Jamie Kernelima's launch for her book and watching you and Tony and a lot of my friends, ed and different guys that were out there. I'm I'm literally in planet fitness working out during goosebumps dude, I lifted heavier than I've ever lifted before why I was so stoked watching this on my phone, headphones in. I'm talking to myself.

Speaker 1:

The people at Planet Fitness are like what is wrong with that guy over there and I'm literally watching you guys. I was that fired up and I borrowed your passion and Tony's passion that day and Jamie Lee's her passion that day from what they were doing. And it's the same exact thing. Some of you guys watch this on Instagram live. There's a link right there. You owe it to yourself to click that link, register and show up with a million of your friends to be able to have that hunger that you have grow and increase so you can do what God's called and gifted you to do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, there's so many times in life when you kind of look in the mirror and think to yourself there's got to be more right, there's got to be something different. Doesn't mean your life has to be horrific, right, and please know that. But if you're called to that level, that next thing, then I would just say be smart and investigate, stop by and spend time with us, but look at other things Like look wherever you could uncover the cool part. We have access to so much information. We have access to incredible people. We have access to incredible podcasts, we have access to books on audio.

Speaker 2:

I just say immerse yourself, don't settle, because five years is going to go by really quick, 10 years is going to go by really quick. The last thing we want to do is get to the end of our lives and watch a video of the man or the woman we could have been. I'd say just get disturbed today. Get disturbed with inaction. Maybe you say no to something today you should have said no to a long time ago. Maybe you finally say yes to something today that it's time to say yes, I will, yes, I must, yes, I don't care. Yes to overcoming of fear.

Speaker 2:

Usually, your next level of life lives on the other side of the thing you're putting off or you're afraid of anyway. So, if nothing else, I hope you spent a little time with us here today. Just search, get nosy, become an investigative reporter. There's something out there that could light you up, that you could fall in love with, while simultaneously could bring another level of success. We hope it's working with Tony and I, but we really don't care. We just want to inspire you to move, to do more. I love that.

Speaker 1:

I love that. Next week, guys, we're going to be there. Hit the link right there, deanandtonylivecom. Forward slash, Ken. We'd love for you to join us next week. I promise you it will be an absolute game changer, Dean final thoughts.

Speaker 2:

I would just say, having having breakfast this morning, my daughter who's was such a woman I realized it was five minutes ago. She was 12 months old. It was five minutes ago. Life's going by fast and I would just say get disturbed with your own inaction today. Get disturbed, just do something today. Now, maybe you're here today, you didn't even know why you swung by, but this is the day just to make a move. That's all that from Tony, from Tony Robbins. Man, make a move today. If it's registered for the event, great. If not, go find another event. Go read a book, go listen to a podcast. Don't settle, you're meant for more. Go find it.

Speaker 1:

I love that, Dean. I can't wait for next week. I appreciate you and Tony and Randy and everything you guys do, not only for me but, man, the hundreds and thousands of people we get to impact every year. You guys have a role in that. You're not even in the room and you guys, because of what you guys are going to do next week, there are going to be hundreds of thousands of people whose lives are going to be transformed and changed and will be able to make impact and have influence in the world around us. Man, I appreciate you, my friend. I'm looking forward for next week.

Speaker 2:

Thanks, man, appreciate you See everyone. Have a good one.