As The Leader Grows with Ken Joslin

Coaching with Ken | Raise Your Level of Influence

November 27, 2023 Ken Joslin

Master the art of self-care and watch how it drastically revolutionizes your ability to influence and inspire those around you." Believe it or not, self-care is not about self-indulgence; it's about showing up for yourself, so you can effectively show up for others. Today, I delve into my personal journey and the scripture references that have guided me to understand the power of personal development. Learn about my morning routine, my method of setting goals, expressing gratitude, and using affirmations to kick-start my day and how you can adapt these strategies in your life. 

"Consistency is a key player when it comes to making an impact on others." But how do we maintain it and why is it so crucial? In our discussion, we address these questions and peel back the layers on the role of accountability partners and how they can help us stay on track. To top it all off, I am extending an invitation to all of you to join our GSD Community Facebook page. It's a hub for valuable content, engaging live sessions, and a platform for you to connect with like-minded individuals. So, gear up for an empowering conversation that will guide you towards becoming the best version of yourself. Let's go out there and crush it!

Welcome to the ATLG podcast I am your host Ken Joslin, former pastor turned coach & host of CREATE, the #1 Faith-based Entrepreneur conference in America. My mission is to help faith-based entrepreneurs become the best version of themselves by growing in our Core 5: Faith, Health, Relationships, Business & Finances. You can get more information as well as join our FREE Facebook group at

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it on social media and tag Ken Joslin.

Speaker 1:

Good morning and welcome to another episode of as the leader grows. I am your host, ken Jocelyn. I cannot wait to talk to you today. I just finished. I just got back, obviously been gone out town for about 10 or 11 days, but I just finished with a really cool conference called risk on with my good friend Todd Alt. Then, after that, flew back here to Birmingham, drove to Atlanta, spent three days with my good friend, nate May for Thanksgiving, with him and his family, and then just got home after about 10 or 11 days on the road to Birmingham this weekend and so recording this podcast actually recording this podcast early on Monday morning, dropping this podcast on Monday morning.

Speaker 1:

But I want to talk about something that was a big topic of conversation this week at the conference that I was at in Vegas my good friend Todd Alt, bradley, tucker, carlson some amazing human beings that I got to spend time with this weekend and the question that I kept getting from people in the crowd and I get this a lot, but this is the question that I got Can, how do you show up for so many people? How do you show up for so many people? And I've shared this story in the past. Grant Cardone asked me as well. I was actually in a mentorship call with Grant About 1400 people in this mentorship call and Grant asked us this question. He said this week I want you to find five people this was our homework for the week I want you to find five people and I want you to ask these five people to describe you in one sentence or less. And so I shot Grant and Jared a text and I said hey guys, I got a question and so they put me in those 1400 people on the zoom call. You just can't unmute yourself. So they, they unmute me, they bring me up on the main screen with Grant, and Grant was actually sitting next to Atlanta. She was on the call with us that day. But that night and I said hey, gee, this guy named Grant Cardone's giving me homework. We're supposed to ask someone to describe us in one sentence and since you and Elena are there, I'd love for you to be the first two people. And so Grant's kind of processed these, laughing because he knows that I just kind of got him right, and he looks this again well, over a thousand, like 1400 people in this call. He looks at me on the zoom call and he says can you always show up? Every time I get on my Instagram, there's Ken's Austin. Every time I do an event, there's Ken's Austin. Every time I look up, ken's Austin has his own event. Like every time I look up, you're there. He said can you always show up? So this week, people kept asking me the question can how do you show up for so many people? And I'm going to give you a couple. I'm going to give you a couple of things and I promise, if you write these down, these will make a difference in your life.

Speaker 1:

Number one is because I first show up for me. I first show up for me and as a person of faith, even if you've heard me share, if you listen to this podcast, you've heard me share the three characteristics of a servant leader that I took. My oldest daughter is 27. So I've been sharing this with my daughters for 22 years. Three characteristics of a servant leader. Servant leaders put other people's needs before their own. They do things right the first time and they do things without being asked, but that first one is they put other people's needs before their own. So, as a person of faith, we hear a lot that we're supposed to sacrifice ourselves for other people, and there's truth in that. But if we don't do what I just shared with you and we don't show up for ourselves first, then we're unable to give to people exactly what God wants us to give. And I'll take you right back into Mark 135. When I read this scripture and I love this this is in the early morning, while it was still dark, jesus got up, left the house and went away to a secluded place to pray. So even Jesus understood this principle. How do you show up for so many people? How do you show up for me specifically? How do I show up Because I first show up for me, because if I'm not showing up for myself, it's impossible for me to show up for other people. Here's another thing too. Like I'm looking here on my other screen at my calendar for today and those of you guys that have again have listened you understand I have four calendar. I have four colors on my calendar inside of Google. I've got blue, green, yellow, red. Blue is my personal time. It is my personal development, anything that I'm doing to work on Ken's Iceland. So that starts my morning routine.

Speaker 1:

My alarm goes off at 4am, just like it did this morning. I actually woke up this morning. I was ready to roll and I'm like, yes, man, I'm fired up, I can't wait to get going. I looked at my it was 1.36 in the morning. I was like, help me, baby Jesus. So I literally got up, went to use the bathroom, came back down and I'm like, okay, we're going to, we're going to like calm. We've got two and a half hours left to sleep. So alarm went off at 4am, grabbed my phone straight to my iTunes, grabbed a worship song that I want to listen to this morning Screenshot. It went over to Instagram, shared it.

Speaker 1:

Got up, went downstairs to get my pre-workout that was already mixed in the refrigerator. Came back upstairs, put on my U-version Bible app for the, my quiet time that I'm listening to, so jumped on that and then went straight into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, started to get dressed, came in here into my podcast studio goals, gratitude affirmations, top three. So that is my. That's the. That is the very first thing that I do. So you have to show up number one for yourself.

Speaker 1:

But let me say this you can't show up for others until you consistently show up for yourself. You can't do these things from time to time and hope you're going to have the influence and the impact that God desires for you to have, because you're not going to If you don't show up consistently for yourself. And again, guys, it goes right back into my concept that I created three and a half, four years ago, before my weight loss journey, before I built a seven figure business in less than in less than three years and that's incremental, not monumental. All daily, disciplined decisions over time, always, always, always, guys, equals monumental results. So I'm looking at my calendar today, 4am, and here's what my calendar reads Morning routine mirror work gratitude affirmations top three. So what did I do this morning? Mirror work goals, gratitude affirmations top three every single day. I rarely, rarely, rarely, I think.

Speaker 1:

This weekend I took three days off because it was Thanksgiving. I just wanted some time to just kind of chill and do my thing. So this weekend I took a couple of days off, but every single day. It is a consistent, daily habit that I have in my life. So how do I show up for so many people? Because I first show up for me, understanding that I can't show up with the level of influence, with the level of impact that God wants me to show up for and the level of impact and influence that I want to show up for other people until I consistently show up for myself.

Speaker 1:

Now, this morning we had our GSD community coaching call. We do that every Monday morning at 8am Eastern, every Wednesday night at 8pm Eastern. As a matter of fact, you can go over to our Facebook page. The link is in my bio on Instagram. You can hop on, you can join. That's a free. It's a free platform for you. I drop a ton of content on there A lot of amazing conversations, a lot of lives that we do just to add value and do things.

Speaker 1:

But the one thing that we talked about this morning and I picked out two guys in our group. I picked out my good friend Kevin and my good friend Greg. So they've been in our group. Kevin's been in for about two or three months. Greg's been in a little over a year. As a matter of fact, at the end of August he re-upped for his second year inside of our community. Why? Because of the change that's taking place in their life.

Speaker 1:

Now let me say this For Kevin Kevin started about a month before inside of our community before we started our 21-day Extraordinary Habits Challenge. I think we did that the first of September 21-day Extraordinary Habits Challenge I think. This morning they said they were on day 82. Literally, kevin's not missed a day for 82 days. Greg's missed one or two days in 82 days. Now that Extraordinary Habits Challenge is exactly what I talked about Goals, gratitude, affirmations, top three every single morning. Second half of the day wins 1%, better goals and then the scoreboard that's in the bottom of my planner every single day.

Speaker 1:

And I asked Kevin this morning on our coaching call. I said Kevin, tell me the difference in 82 days. You've shown up for yourself consistently for 82 days. Tell me the difference. And man, his face lit up. He said I've lost 20 pounds. He goes. I used to get up between six and six thirty and that was early for me. He goes over Thanksgiving break. I slept until six and six thirty at the latest. I was still up almost every day at four am. He goes, I haven't missed a workout. He was talking about how, in his community, he's got an Apple Watch and he said on the Apple Watch, I'm connected with all of these people that I coach and all these people in the community that he runs. And he said every single day for 82 days in a row I haven't missed a workout and people are looking. And now people are taking notice and going dude man, you are so consistent. So other people around are noticing what's going on in his life.

Speaker 1:

Greg shared the same thing. He's a heavy equipment sales guy rental and sales guy out of Pennsylvania. Greg in I think it was in June or July was the first sales guy in the history of that company to crack a hundred thousand dollars in sales for the month In August, right after we had our create conference in Atlanta with myself and Brenda Burchard and Gary Brecka and Vic Keller and Randy Garner and all my friends. In August he hit almost 150 grand in sales in one month. He was talking this morning about how every single day, I'm up at four, I'm at the gym in 30 to 45 minutes and I'm always I'm always good in my workout. By five am at my local planet fitness and he said people around me take notice.

Speaker 1:

So how do I show up for so many people? And again, number one you first show up for yourself. If you can't first show up for yourself, it's not going to work, you're not going to have the impact or the influence that you desire. And again, you can't show up for others until you consistently show up for yourself. Now here's, here's. Here's something I want to I want to share with you as well.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people don't understand. Listen, you have influence that you don't even know of. Like I am so consistent and lean into my concept of incremental, not monumental, small, daily discipline, decisions over time, always equal, monumental results. I leaned into that concept so strong, and I've done it for so long now, that even at the conference that I spoke at this weekend with several hundred people, people walk up to me. I have no idea who they are. Can I've been following you on Instagram? Can I get a picture? Can I share with you the difference and the impact and the influence that you've had in my life over the past year, over the past six months, over the past two years, over the past three years?

Speaker 1:

I listen to your podcast, I watch your show, all the things and I'm like I don't even know these people. So let me say this to you real quick If you're listening to this podcast this morning, you are going to have the opportunity to have influence over people that you don't even know. Like, you're going to have the opportunity to have influence and impact in people's lives that you have never met. Think about that. Like people you don't even know are watching your stuff, like if you're posting videos, like I do, or if you're giving away free content. If you're doing all of those things, those things come out of the overflow of what you showing up consistently for yourself. You have to show up for yourself first, and when you show up for yourself first, it is amazing how God takes that and literally Calls is that impact and that influence to double, triple, quadruple in other people's lives.

Speaker 1:

One of the guys on the call this morning said this he goes because I ask everybody what are some of the things that you do consistently in your morning routine that make that, make you a better person? I told you I was looking at my, at my calendar block from 4am to 6.45am. I have blocked off morning routine Goals, gratitude, affirmations, top three, mirror work every single morning, like literally this morning before I went to the 5am class. I mean you're working in my planner, doing my goals, doing my gratitude, doing my affirmations, doing my top three, doing all the things every single day, again, incremental, not monumental. Small daily discipline, decisions over time, always equal, monumental results.

Speaker 1:

Success cannot, it cannot escape you. I've said this a couple of times Success will chase you down. Success will run you down if you will only be consistent. My good friend John Maxwell says show me your daily routine, show me your morning routine and I will tell you how successful you're going to be. Listen, I know it's not sexy, I know it's not the thing people want to talk about, but I promise you, if you will do these things, you will have greater impact than you ever even imagined that you can have with your life.

Speaker 1:

So how do I show up for people? Because I first show up for me. It is automatic for me, and you can't show up for others until you consistently show up for yourself. So here's the other question I get, ken what do you do when you keep pouring into somebody and you don't see change? Let me say this you may want to write this down if you're taking notes you can never fill the deficit for someone else. You can never fill the deficit for someone else. Listen, your role isn't to fill a deficit. Now you're going to have relationships and again, there are exceptions to the rule. From time to time there are going to be relationships that you might be close with where, for a season, you have to give extra added encouragement. And again, the word encouragement literally means to add courage to. You're borrowing my courage and I've been saying this for years. You don't have enough belief in yourself. Borrow some of mine. You don't have enough courage. Borrow some of mine, because I've got enough for both of us right now. Why do I have enough for both of us? Because I consistently show up for myself.

Speaker 1:

I consistently am in Worship time in the morning. I'm consistently showing up in my quiet time. As soon as I finish my you version Bible, whatever I mean, I think right now I'm in Matthew 26 or Matthew 27. As soon as I'm done, I send a text message to my guys on my text thread and that usually starts. There's five of us, brian of Gary, randy, vic and Brink of there's five of us on that text thread. When I send that out, that usually starts our text thread for the day. Then the guys start chiming in. And now, since we got back from Sundance, I've got another one that I send to Mike, to Sebastian and to Matt. Same thing as soon as I'm doing my quiet time, I send it. You know, it's a little screen thing that says, hey, ken, just completed, ba, ba, ba ba. I send that to them as well to encourage, to say, hey, I've done the work. Where are you at Holding them accountable and encouraging them to do the thing that they said that they wanted to do? But you can never fill the deficit for someone else, not your job.

Speaker 1:

My good friend, sean love joy. He's been my pastor coaching friend since 2008. It's 15 years. That's a long time, sean, dude. I love you man for 15 years.

Speaker 1:

And I've heard I heard Sean say this a long time ago he goes I only steer part. I only steer cars. I don't push them. I Can help direct someone who's moving forward, but I'm not gonna push you. You know how exhausting it is when your car. Remember how many of you I don't know how many of you guys remember Straight shift, four speed, five speed. Back in the day, starter went bad. What would you do? You'd push that. You jump that thing off. Two or three people get behind and you're pushing that car, trying to get enough speed so they could pop the clutch and get the engine to start. Some of you guys that are young, you're like I have no idea what you're talking about, ken. What do you mean? Push the car, pop the clutch? I have no idea. Those of you guys that graduated in the 80s or even in the 90s, you know exactly what I'm talking about. But I learned from Sean Listen, I don't push cars, I only steer them.

Speaker 1:

So I'm going to spend time and pour my energy into and add value to people that all I have to do is help steer and maneuver where they're going in life. Now, every now and then you're gonna have a relationship that you have to jump start. You have to take some time to go. Okay, this person's hit a bad situation in their life. They've had a moment that's tough and it happens. Happens in my life, happens in everyone's life. Then you know what. I'll show up for you a time or two to be able to help jump start you, to get you going. But from that point forward I understand I cannot fill the deficit that you have in your life. I can encourage, I can speak life, I can add value, I can do all of those things. So the key and the secret to you showing up for more people is Found in the consistency and in the way that you show up for yourself. Guys, listen, I appreciate you a ton Thanks for showing up for another episode of coaching with Ken on the ads as the leader grows podcast.

Speaker 1:

Couple things if this is added value to you. When I ask you to do a couple things, number one but I ask you to screenshot this. If you're listening this on your iPhone or Android screen, if you listen on Android, man, I'm gonna pray for you. But anyway, I digress, screenshot this, share this on your Instagram. I'll. I'll reshare it. Give you a love with with my followers. Second thing is if you would go over and leave a five star review, that would be absolutely amazing. Now, free value ad for you, for just for our listeners.

Speaker 1:

The top of my Instagram bio there's a link to a brand new Facebook group we just started. The old one that we had was private. There's about 220 people in that one. This is the one that we're literally Pouring all of our value into. Now brand new Facebook page would love for you to join us. It's a GSD community Facebook page. Go over to the link in my bio on Instagram or on Facebook. Click that. Join it for free. I do lives on there. We're constantly dropping value on that page to be able to help you become the best version of Of yourself. Guys go crush it and I'll see you next time. On the next episode of as a leader gross.