As The Leader Grows with Ken Joslin

Jay & Beth Robb | The Guru's of Peace

Ken Joslin
Jay's incredible journey from a struggling protein powder entrepreneur to a bestselling author and TV personality will motivate anyone with a dream. After launching his business in 1988, Jay faced significant hurdles until his breakthrough book, "The Fat-Burning Diet," catapulted him to success. Alongside his partner Beth, whose prayerful reconnection with Jay after 35 years will touch your heart, they share how their past failures led them to a love story filled with faith and resilience. Their story isn't just about romance; it's a testament to overcoming obstacles and finding purpose together.

You’ll also get an inside look at the Hang Loose movement’s origins, straight from Beth and Jay's epiphany moment in 2018. They're on a mission to spread peace and love through music inspired by Jesus' teachings, despite having no prior musical experience. Their journey is a powerful example of divine guidance and the impact of a united partnership. Plus, our guests share candid reflections on the differences between first and second marriages, offering honest insights and personal anecdotes that highlight how love can be different—and better—the second time around.

Welcome to the ATLG podcast I am your host Ken Joslin, former pastor turned coach & host of CREATE, the #1 Faith-based Entrepreneur conference in America. My mission is to help faith-based entrepreneurs become the best version of themselves by growing in our Core 5: Faith, Health, Relationships, Business & Finances. You can get more information as well as join our FREE Facebook group at

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Speaker 1:

Hey guys, welcome to another episode of as the Leader Grows. I've got the coolest couple on the planet with us today, guys. He is the guru of peace. Together they lead the Hang Loose movement. Just spending some time with these guys off air. You guys are in for a treat today, Beth and Jay. What's up, my friends?

Speaker 3:

We're hanging loose, that's right, we're hanging loose, always hanging loose. Glad to be here, I love it.

Speaker 1:

I love it. So you guys are an entrepreneurial couple. Jay, you started a protein business, a protein brand. Flounder Beth comes in the picture, as every great woman with the Midas touch does, and you guys blow a business up Like walk our audience through, you've got a business. Now you meet a woman. Walk us through that journey with you guys.

Speaker 3:

Well, I started the business in 1988. And my initial goal was to simply educate people on health and fitness, because I was a whole school bodybuilder. I had a fitness club before that. I was actually in the health food industry at the time, managing a health food store in San Diego, and I wanted to do more. So I learned the health food business and decided to take it to the next level, beyond education, because I was doing seminars and so on.

Speaker 3:

And so I created a protein powder because I was a nutritionist and so I was creating diets and I said I would tell people to use a protein drink. They didn't know what I was talking about because they weren't bodybuilders, and I said well, let me recommend one. And I couldn't really find one that I approved of because I didn't care for the ingredients. They were all either like a protein or they had artificial ingredients or sugar or odd sweeteners or whatever. I said I don't want anything artificial in here. So I created the uh, I call it the best tasting protein on the planet and put it out there, and it kind of fell flat.

Speaker 3:

For a few years I got it around to some stores and different things in Southern California and then, in early 1990, I wrote the book the Fat-Burning Diet and then after that I started teaching the Fat-Burning Diet and then I produced it, got on TV, kind of the rest is history, Because once I formed it out as this is how you use a powder to lose weight, feel great and all that people. Oh, now I know what to do with it and I just happen to have on the shelves the best tasting protein out there. So it kind of worked out very well and it's been a long road. And then to catch me up all the way through, that it was. It's been a wonderful ride. God blessed Well and I will give him all the glory, simply because I tried to pray before every decision I made and if I didn't, I paid the price or the business paid the price, don't we always?

Speaker 3:

I grabbed the wheel and I'm in the ditch, and then he grabs a wheel and I'm back on the road, and so finally, uh, fast forward all the way up to 2009. And we, our whole story comes together. And we we had not. I had not seen Beth since she was seven years old, because our parents were friends when we were kids and so she was. She was born and I saw her when she was two days old, or mom brought her home and I said, wow, I had no idea that she was going to be the love of my life at some point. So, like 35 years went by, I didn't see her. She moved away, I moved away and I'm in San Diego, she's in Dallas, and we got reconnected through our mothers Wow, and that's that's kind of a bizarre story there and within two days days I was in love with her. They know what she looked like, cause I was just emailing and we've been in several, several ever since.

Speaker 2:

But the best part of that story is we had both had two failed marriages behind us and many relationships. And I was in Dallas and I remember distinctly I got down on my knees in my living room. I had three little girls. I was a single mom. I got down on my knees in my living room. I had three little girls. I was a single mom. I got down on my knees.

Speaker 2:

I said, okay, god, clearly I am incapable of picking out a mate, so I need you to do it. You do it. You pick out who I'm supposed to be with. I don't know why it took me so long to get to this point, but I'm a slow learner. So I thought you know what this is, what I need. And then I asked God and let me receive it.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes, you know, we ask for things and then we just kind of like we don't, we just go along aimlessly and we're really not picking up on the obvious signs that God gives us. And so I just straight, straight up asked God, let me receive it. Let it be so obvious. It's like you just hit me right between the eyes, like there's no way I can miss this. It's like Bruce almighty, remember, when he's driving along and all the signs stop, you know whatever. He's just still going. That's me. So I'm like, let me receive this. And a week later, jay emails me a book from his mom. To get to my mom neither one of them had computers and said hey, I don't know if you remember me or not, like what. So then we start emailing back and forth. We were in love.

Speaker 3:

Within a week wow, we had for me. You were a little bit slower well, again the slowness I didn't know what she I didn't know what she looked like.

Speaker 1:

The last time she was still trying to drive the car, jay, she hadn't realized I'm supposed to be in the passenger seat over here, so let me ask you a question. I was still driving the car, oh, I know right, so single mom, three kids. Yeah, single mom, three kids. Like God man, what's going on? Just send me who you want. Like God, I mean what are you?

Speaker 2:

what's going on? Just send me who you want. It was crazy. I was working like crazy. I was working at 1.3 jobs. I at some points 80 hours a week. I mean, you know, I wasn't afraid to work to provide for my family, but you know, I I just I'm a little old fashioned. Plus, I feel like I love being a couple, like I was made to be in a loving relationship. I would rather be alone than be miserable, but I'm definitely meant to be in a loving relationship.

Speaker 1:

So when you guys I got, I got a couple of questions I got to ask. So when you guys got together, you both had two previous marriages.

Speaker 2:

Is that right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so four marriages between the two of you. When you got together, what made you think this one was going to be different?

Speaker 2:

Well, going back to my prayer and the whole, let me receive it. I remember distinctly knowing the moment he emailed me. I read that email and I thought it just immediately hit me. When I asked God to let me receive it, he delivered. I immediately thought, oh, this is him. And I thought, well, this is silly, why am I even thinking this Once again, trying to drive my own heart? And I'm like, okay, and so I'm emailing back. And then I realized no, this is him. And I just knew. And my mom? I used to ask my mom this question years and years ago. How do you know that you're with the love of your life? And she goes? Well, you just know. And I thought, well, that's not an answer, but it is an answer. You do just know. You know without a doubt, and I think you know without a doubt when you pray and you listen for God and the Holy Spirit to speak through you or speak to you. You know, without a doubt, but you have to listen, you have to receive it.

Speaker 1:

You got to pay attention and that was for me, and I think that's hard sometimes. I just, you know, I do the largest faith-based entrepreneur conference in the country every year in Atlanta with friends like John Maxwell and Ed Milet and Brendan and just a lot of amazing people, erwin McManus, and this year we did what I called 4610 moments between each of our core five and I said how many of you entrepreneurs love to be still and like no, like we're entrepreneurs, like we don't know. Be still. God, you put this massive vision in my heart.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you want me to be still, but when we are still and we do say, okay, god send me the right man and God goes, okay, I'm going to honor your stillness, I'm going to honor you in this position. So so let me. So now let me get over here to Jay real quick, cause, bro, you've got a business. It sucks. Now God's connected you. I mean, when I've never had a couple say we emailed each other and we knew we were in love, I'm like, whoa, okay, that's good, because it's not like we had FaceTime.

Speaker 1:

There's no AOL back in the day Like you're emailing each other. So you guys.

Speaker 2:

On dial-up.

Speaker 3:

There you go back on dial-up.

Speaker 1:

I know right, that's funny Guys, we're kicking it old school today. On as the Leader Grows.

Speaker 3:

That's funny so.

Speaker 1:

Jay. You guys get together. She comes in, you guys are in a relationship and you're doing business. You guys date, obviously get married. What in the world was that like for you guys to do business together as a brand-new married couple?

Speaker 3:

Well, let me backtrack one second.

Speaker 3:

She told her story and it was a week before I emailed her that I had said a prayer to God. I had the main line direct line. There I go, god, I obviously can't do this. What do I do? I said if there's somebody out there you want me to be with, then have her show up and let me recognize. And it was about a week later I think it was two weeks for you, but it was about a week later for me that I sent the email and it was by day two. I kind of recognized that the first email that I sent, when she emailed back, I just felt it, I felt the energy of something. And the second day in I said, wow, I'm like head over heels in love and I don't even know what she looks like.

Speaker 2:

I just know some.

Speaker 1:

You know how she types.

Speaker 2:

So when did you guys see each?

Speaker 3:

other the first time. Oh, it was like July. Yeah, two months later.

Speaker 2:

April 27th to mid-July was the first time we saw each other in DFW. We planned a trip to Fort Lauderdale for a week together, and so I mean you talk about faith. She's in Dallas, I'm in San Diego, and so we're having this long distance email relationship well, and as this is whole, this whole thing's going on um, as we're having our little love affair with our letters. You know, it was very old-fashioned, very sweet, our love letters. We really didn't speak on the phone for what a month wow, probably yeah and then we didn't even see each other.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't't send him a picture of me. I kept acting like, oh, my phone doesn't have, I don't, it doesn't really take pictures. It did. It was a bad lie, but I really did not want him to see me because I put on some weight and I thought, oh, so I went on his diet plan without him knowing.

Speaker 1:

That's the greatest thing ever, and I was using protein frantically. That's the greatest thing ever.

Speaker 2:

I like going crazy.

Speaker 1:

And I'm like.

Speaker 2:

I dropped 36 pounds in three months. I was like I'm ready, I can do this.

Speaker 1:

So the million dollar question, beth, is is it the greatest taste in protein ever?

Speaker 2:

Absolutely Hands down. I love it Okay.

Speaker 1:

So you guys meet two weeks later, go off to the beach for a week. Now you know like, okay, this is my partner. Proverbs 3 says a man that finds a wife. Proverbs 18, a man that finds a wife finds a good thing. You guys are ready to roll? Oh right, you get married. Let me let you jump back into your story, jay, because I think we interrupted you just a minute ago.

Speaker 3:

Oh well, I think you asked me about the business and it was going and it was whatever. The business was ripping and rocking and rolling.

Speaker 3:

So I mean we were before she entered the scene, we were just climbing up, and then I went through a divorce and and you know, that was kind of the rocky personal before me life before her, yeah, and that opened the door, though, for where I needed to go and be with the love of my life, because I had visions of her years ago and, when I was praying and meditating, I liked it. Like you mentioned, be still, that's like my motto. I know a lot of maybe a lot of entrepreneurs. Why would I be still? I want to be thinking and creating stuff, and I think because the best times I've ever had it, when I'm quiet and listening to the actual CEO that I work for because he always knows, always knows what to do, what not to do, and so I just listened to that.

Speaker 3:

So business was always good as long as I stuck with that. When we came together, what it created for me was a different perspective, because my second marriage I didn't have a wife that was participating with me. This time I had a willing person that God had brought me who liked what I was doing and also wanted to take it into a different level, and she opened my eyes to mainstream. I was in a Southern California bubble, trust me, for most of my life, so I really didn't think that people lived a certain way and I didn't know they drank. You know they shopped at regular grocery stores and that they drank.

Speaker 2:

Dr Pepper go ahead. I did not.

Speaker 3:

I'd forgotten that happened because I've been teaching so many seminars and so many things about being healthy fitness clubs and on and on.

Speaker 3:

And so she opened my eyes back to look, this is how the rest of the world is. You can't expect them to be something they're not. I had to humble myself and go okay, I'm not God walking around here, so I need to stoop to the level of how do I connect with other people. She was an in-road, she's really good at that, so I got to see how the rest of the world lives and now connect with them. And that's where we can actually help more people, where, instead of just a elite few perhaps, or something like that, or maybe even like in the bodybuilding day and so on. So that's where excelled.

Speaker 1:

So you're doing. You're doing your protein brand, you do. You did that for 30 years and focused on fitness, helping people become the best version themselves in their, in their physical fitness, and then you've kind of transferred into the, the gop, which doesn't mean the, the republicans, that actually means the guru of peace.

Speaker 3:

Yes, well, I in 2018, I had like an epiphany. I I felt like I I wanted to return to my roots, because my roots were hippie, my hippieville roots were to grow my hair and really, this live with peace and love is my motto, and so that's what I returned to, but without, maybe, the barefoot, dirty hippie look, but more of a rock star style. So in 2018, I said, you know what the rock star style? So in 2018, I said, you know what I? I want a different. I want to return to my old school look, uh, that I was very comfortable with headband at all and I wanted to shift and give back to the world because I I've been blessed so well, so I mean, we were just so blessed, uh, with success, yeah, and I wanted to give back in a way that I didn't feel like anybody was giving back at the time enough. As far as specializing again where the hippies left off of peace and love, I wanted that message to be resurrected, so to speak. I wanted people to keep it fresh and alive in their mind that we're here to love and that peace is really peace of mind. That's what Jesus taught, that's what you know, that's what it's all about. You know, peace, you can't expect anybody to behave a different way. The peace comes from you. When you have peace, the world is at peace. And so there you have it. So I wanted to do that.

Speaker 3:

So that's what I started, and I've been doing that and I decided I'd write music. I had never been into a musician before and that got me started into how do I get the message out there where God says you're a rock star. As bizarre as that may sound, that was the words that you're a rock star. I go, okay, I believe you, god. And so I started recording soon and people showed up and I'm just out of the blue and they're all faith-based people, and it was just incredible. And I'm not. They're all faith-based people and it was just incredible, and I'm not that I'm shocked or surprised, but it was just wonderful because that's how it always works when you kind of let go and then let god, as we used to say back in the day. And so I put the music out it was all about peace and love and being kind and decided, uh, we'll start to hang loose movement I. I just really want to be supportive. Part of that. I'll put this up here. This is a sticker.

Speaker 1:

I see that, bro. Come on, I see it. Yeah, that's great.

Speaker 3:

It looks just like me 65,000 of those stickers I got to send out and give out to people to help them get to my website and to also remind them to hang loose and be kind and loving, and I just want to be perhaps a new peace symbol. So that's where we're at now and we want to just take it to the next level and as a couple, we're doing it very well. I feel like our synergy is way different than my years. I've done 500 weight loss seminars across the nation. I've been on T-100s, 100s, 100s of times, but by myself. It's different than when we're together, because she's got this energy and a dynamic. I don't know what it is. God just says you guys just mesh together and I feel like now we can reach the globe.

Speaker 1:

I've got some things I want to ask you about, but I've got to stop and I got to back up just a little bit to each of you guys came in with two marriages and I'm sure you've heard the stats. Stats inside the church don't look any different than stats outside the church.

Speaker 1:

Basically half of everybody who gets married gets divorced. Second marriages it's about 67%. First marriages. Second marriages it's about 67% to 70%. So like almost three three quarters or two thirds of those, don't make it like. At what moment in your marriage and I want both of you guys to answer two questions what moment in your in your marriage, when you guys got together, did you go? This is different. This is not going to be like it was before, and and why not going to be like it was before, and and why?

Speaker 2:

okay, well, okay, so I'm gonna. I'm gonna compare what you never should do, but I'm gonna do it anyway, because that's how I roll um. My first marriage I knew at the wedding that I should instantly I should not have done this. It was the most. I was filled with regret. Instantly I thought, oh, no, okay.

Speaker 2:

Second marriage I knew within the first, I don't know, probably a couple of weeks After I got yeah, I didn't know that one's yes, okay, yeah, I was seeing marriage with Jay I I've never, since we started dating, since we since you emailed me, I have never had a moment of doubt at all, so I feel like that's the only way I can say that it was different, like I've never had a doubt at all.

Speaker 1:

So what? So what characteristics from Jay do you feel like made you feel safe enough to never doubt? What were some of the things that he did?

Speaker 2:

I could tell you characteristics, but I don't know, that that's it. I feel like I just know, like there's just this connection that I feel with him and it just only grows stronger and stronger and stronger. But if I did have to put some characteristics in, he makes me laugh every day. He, I think he cares about more about me than he does himself. He always puts me first. He loves so many people. Everybody truly loves them unconditionally. And when I say unconditionally, truly unconditional, I thought I was the most forgiving person on the face of the earth until I met jay and I'm like, wow, okay, like this, this is my guy and I know you are. No, you are okay.

Speaker 1:

So can I ask you a question really quick? Yeah, it's a huge. That's a huge. That's huge for what she just said. So because I thought I was the most forgiving person in the world until I met you. What makes it easy for you to forgive?

Speaker 3:

I guess I have no expectation for an outcome and expectation of having people behave a certain way. This creates a fake world, a fake life or a disappointment. So for me, I just try to let go of everything past the present moment. I just try to let go of everything past the present moment and if I want to recall it I can bring it up, but I don't very I very rarely need to want to or have to accept obviously doing that. But as far as anything that's happened in the past, it doesn't really exist. I've learned from it, I use the wisdom from it. So I let it go and I don't harbor any feelings or anything like that.

Speaker 3:

She's equal. I think we're equal here and I'll go against her a little bit. I think we have an equal amount of kindness and forgiveness, which is kind of new to me to be around a mate like that. I mean, she's just happy and I'm happy to be with her. She's happy to be with me. I don't ever doubt anything that's going on and she's always going to be honest and true with me but true too.

Speaker 3:

And I it's just living without any uncertainty with a, with a partner, gives you the feeling that really it's just love.

Speaker 1:

I recognize her love, so maybe the question I need to ask you guys, then is this what changed in you guys Maybe it's not the him or her what changed in you to position you in such a way that you were ready to receive what God had for you?

Speaker 3:

Ooh, I know that one oh go Please. Oh, I know that one oh go please. Um, because, and when I was definitely younger and before I even got married to my first wife, I I used to meditate a lot and I I had started to see things, I had visions and so on, like I envisioned her and like that she was the person I was to marry, and so I kind of knew that way back, and that was in the very early 80. And so I kind of knew that way back and that was in the very early 80s, and so I kind of knew all along. So when she finally showed up, it was like, oh, there you are, just seeing her, and then even her children, seeing her children. It's like I already had the vision of them before, so it wasn't a shock. So, you know, I just knew and just the I don't.

Speaker 3:

I recognize love. When someone has genuine, true love, you feel it, and then that takes the fear out of life. And when you can have two loving people that are kind, caring and giving, then you're not with a taker. There's there's takers out there and I don't think it makes for a pretty marriage at all, because one gives and one takes. In this case, I feel like we're both very giving, but we have to learn to give to each other and take from each other. We both still learn and grow and we kind of let God lead us through that. I'm just blessed. I don't know what. I love that man, I love that. So lead us through that. I'm just blessed, I don't know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

I love that. So we talked about faith off air. You know I share with you guys a little bit of my background. I was 25 when I gave my life to Christ. I'd never been to church maybe a handful of times, but I had no idea. First time I heard the gospel was August, the 8th of 1993, two weeks later, on the 22nd, I gave my life to Christ. My life was dramatically changed. Talk about the importance of faith for you guys in your relationship and in your business.

Speaker 3:

Well, for me, faith is everything, because I don't rely much on the material world. I rely on the world that God leads me through or the journey that God has for me. And I may not understand everything. Like God says, you're a rock star or you're whatever, and this is what I do. And the other day he said ask and you shall receive, because I had a challenge with you. Know how, you know what am I going to do in my movement, how can I, how can I support that or whatever? And he's asking you know what am I going to do in my movement, how can I support that or whatever? And he's asking. He's telling me receive and you will get all the support you need, because spreading peace and love is journey as the GOP or the guru of peace.

Speaker 3:

So faith is everything in my life. I have faith in my wife, I have faith in the business, I have faith in the direction. I have faith in direction I'm going and the the beauty that that I live by is this I I've lived in a tent, I've lived in communes, I've lived in all kinds of things without any material things at all around me, and I know that if that ever had god said this has got to go away. For now, I'm not afraid to be humbled into nothingness, because and if you wanted me to have it back again, I'd have no problem having it back because I have faith that wherever he wants me to go is okay. I'm not. I don't need stuff, I just need to be around loving people and have God guide me through this life. I need to connect with it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll tell you. There's a scripture in Kings that says the eyes of the Lord roam to and fro searching the earth, trying to find someone whose heart is loyal to him, and when he does, he will bless the socks off of them. Because they understand it's not really about me Like they understand stewardship, they understand God. You've entrusted me with this to be able to make an impact and have influence around the world. For your kingdom, beth, I'll pose the same question to you. Around the world, for your kingdom, beth. I'll pose the same question to you Talk about faith and prayer and really just leaning on the wisdom of God to grow your business and your marriage.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'll tell you, I was a little latecomer to the faith game. I remember as a child always questioning what about this? What if this happened? I was very fear driven. I almost absorbed it like a sponge. If people were fearful around me, I was also fearful. And I remember one time, my grandmother. I was talking to her and I was asking some question about the Bible and she said I don't even remember what it was. And she says oh, beth, the Bible. And she said I don't even remember what it was. And she says oh, beth, you must have faith. And I thought, oh, she doesn't get it. Well, clearly she got it, I didn't get it.

Speaker 2:

And so what I found was my experiences then, starting with my getting down on my knees asking for God to pick out my person, you know, and then I had to. At that point I really out my person, you know, and then I had to. At that point I really. That's the first time I ever really remembered practicing true faith. Now, god didn't make me wait long, he only made me wait a week. So thankful for that.

Speaker 2:

But I'm a very impatient person and so throughout these years I have had, you know, things that have come up, and one of the last things I can remember was when COVID had just started and I was extremely fearful in the beginning. Meanwhile, jay over here is walking around like oh, no big deal, here I'm going to have a watermelon for lunch and hang out with my buddies. I'm like what are you doing? What if we all die? Because, well then, we all die. And I'm like what you, what you know, it was just, I was a hot mess and I remember just thinking like I mean, it was down to the point I had one little thing of uh, sanitizer wipes, like that's all I had.

Speaker 2:

They took them out of the grocery couldn't get any more. So I'm using one wipey per day for the whole day, to wipe down every grocery think piece of grocery that comes in every piece of mail the same way. Like it's completely insane. And one day I was like I don't know. About a month or so had passed and I'm walking through my house and my daughter had put together a sandwich board that my sister-in-law had given me for Christmas. It was sitting up in the kitchen since December of 2019. It had been sitting there. I looked at it every day, but one day I'm walking through and I read the sandwich board and it's second Timothy, one through seven. I'm paraphrasing, I don't remember exact words, but for God has not given me, or no?

Speaker 2:

God has not given me the spirit of fear, but a power, love and a sound mind, which I was not using, and I thought and then I thought, okay, and that was almost my have faith that God has this, stop being fearful, Stop worrying about everything. God's got it. Just go live your best life, be loving, be kind, do all the good things and it'll be okay. And so that was mine.

Speaker 1:

I love that. Talk about your philanthropy and giving back and the things that you guys get an opportunity now and what are some of the different things you're doing. Maybe our audience wants to get connected in some of that as well, and talk about fulfillment at this stage of your marriage and this stage of your life.

Speaker 3:

Well, that was the whole point behind the Guru of Peace and the music and music videos. I wanted to invest. I invested in the stickers because I want people to remind it to hang this. It's all about peace and love and so the music. We put that together, built a recording studio and did all that. We put on the side of our boat the Guru of Peace and that when we take that out, so everything we're doing is to market. You know, basically marketing for god, peace and love. This was really, it's really the direction we're taking, that, uh, we always have wanted to start a foundation. Well, the first one will be the hang loose movement and, uh, we'll just ask a membership for that says ten dollars and people get my little hang loose handbook and return for that and the support to help us continue. I'll call it a ministry, but continue spreading the love. That's the best words I can come up with.

Speaker 3:

And so that's the direction we're going. Now. We have other foundations that we do want to start with or start down the road, but we're going to start with this one and get get as many followers and people on board as we can, because I really want to keep this simple. I don't want it to be a complex. I don't, you know, I ask them with large sums of money or do this. I really want it to simple and let's just kind of do this together, by the millions or the billions, and make make something happen that way, through music and through just floating around.

Speaker 2:

Well, and I'm going to say too, you know, when Jay hands out these stickers, or we, especially, when Jay has, I know it seems so silly because it's just, you know, it's a sticker.

Speaker 3:

I love this stick.

Speaker 2:

What's a smile across everyone's face that gets one, and it doesn't't, it transcends. It doesn't matter if you're a male or a female, if you are what, what race you are, what political party you belong to, it does not matter. Everyone they as soon as they get this. They're just like what they get so excited. We're hugging, loving and it it just. I don't know what it is about this sticker, but it just makes people happy.

Speaker 3:

It's like God gave me. Oh sorry. Go ahead, go ahead, jay, I'll quit. We designed this, I think, in 2018. So what we did was put together something different. Well, I was going back and forth with uh headbands because I wanted to go back to my old school headband. We tried red one and you know black and green, which are all different colors. We came to the teal one and she says, yeah, the teal is it.

Speaker 3:

And so we went out in public every, every day and see which color attracted people, to which they remember the most, and it was so we spent probably three years creating the guru of peace, as God wanted it to be, as as far as a recognizable brand of peace and love, and that's that's absolutely at least three years. We did that, and the sticker was one part of it.

Speaker 3:

Well, and one other go ahead and I, I, I don't know what happens, but it's like and I'm not saying I'm wearing a costume because it's really me, but when I'm out in public there's something magical happens and I enjoy it because I feel God wants me to be and us together, which is even better. The more attractive we are to people, the more we can either love them, give them direction or support or just listen to them. So we're useless if we can't attract people to us.

Speaker 1:

And so I feel like that's where we're at and what we've kind of created. Well, your authenticity gives them permission to be authentic even if it's going, here's where I'm at, and and it's not. I'm not in a good spot.

Speaker 2:

Yes, well, you know, and then something else that we do and I, it seems, you know, it's not like a big charity or anything, but this is just how we like to give back. We both worked in the restaurant business. One of our children owns a restaurant and, um, you know, I always say a meal is one of the most, is one of the sweetest things anyone can ever provide for you.

Speaker 2:

serving that meal also like it really is, like that's just like a we have to eat and it's just very good and also, when you're eating, you want things to be peaceful, you want your servers to be kind, you want the people preparing your food to be happy, and so we always feel like giving back to. You know, because people are cheap, they don't, they don't tip, they don't take care of these people and it's like wait, you know, let's take care of people. So when we go out to eat, we, if there's a valet, we always valet. You know why? Because that's their job to provide for themselves or their family, and they always tip generously. We tip generously inside. Jay always tips before. He tips the server in the beginning and then we tip also after. But the before tip is always like wait, what they don't quite know, but it just lets them know. Hey, I appreciate you.

Speaker 2:

I see you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for serving us serving we're being served and it's and so we and in december, when it's like christmas time, that's our favorite time we like to go out then and just pass out hundreds to people, random people, just like hey, you know, merry Christmas, have a happy day, and that's, that's what.

Speaker 1:

I'm coordinating. I don't know if you guys know Dan Fleissman, but he's a good friend of mine. Dan does the a hundred dollar tip dinners, so have a group. So I'm organizing one for Atlanta. They did one last year, just a meeting three place in California. Group of guys I think. I think they did $20,000. The server gets half. No, I think it was like 20 grand total between like 10 guys. Some of them gave $100,000, some of them gave a couple thousand, but it was like $20,000-ish and the server got half and it was right before Christmas. And then the other half they give to all the servers are split.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, I love that split and it's just, oh, it's a game changer, yeah, yeah, so, anyway, so we'll, we'll catch up off air about that, but I think that's, I think that's amazing. And so one of the things I do, that's just if people think it's odd Uber, lyft, instacart delivering that or they're coming to pick me up, as soon as they take my ride or they take my order, I send them a text and I say hey, thank you so much for grabbing my order. I appreciate you doing that oh, I love that.

Speaker 1:

They're just like they're just like what, almost like what you guys do when you're tipping them before the dinner, like what? What did you say? Nobody does that? Yeah, but it no. But do you know how much it changes them? And it just is like again, it is the guru of peace and the hang loose movement. It's like man. It's just.

Speaker 1:

You said something about peace just a while ago. I said this to my entrepreneur group the other day on our call but the first time ever we're actually in a series on Philippians. So I shared them the other day on the on our call. We're actually in. For the first time ever we're actually in a series on Philippians. So I shared them the other day. I said you know, I've never. I've never walked up to somebody and said, hey, can I pray for you? And they go Nope, don't want you to pray for me. Ever that's never happened before. They're like I don't care. Think about it. I don't care.

Speaker 1:

If you walk in the club in Atlanta at midnight and find the drunkest person in the club, hey, can I pray for you? You better believe you can. I mean, it's like everybody's like. Of course you can. So do you know that the impact and a difference it makes when we just do those small, random acts of kindness for people. You want to talk. You said earlier there'd be, I don't know, maybe when we got cut off the first time Like where our world's at and can we change it? Doing what you do and your movement hang loose. Movement the guru? Of course you can, because, listen, peace transcends everything, transcends politics, transcends religion, transcends. I don't agree with you, I'm a different color than you, right Everything. Because, man, when that peace and that authenticity that you guys carry, I feel it, when you guys get in a room where you're connecting and having a conversation or having a relationship with somebody, man, that peace is palpable, like you can feel that presence and that peace feel that presence and that peace.

Speaker 3:

I think that what's important that happens is that when we're around other people, we validate them as a person and we're grateful and thankful for what they do. Whether they're picking up the trash, I mean, we don't know. I mean handing out a $20 bills to the trash people just randomly. And I'm not here to toot my horn, I didn't even want to, I didn't want to talk about it, but that's what we kind of do, I know, but, but it's, but it's just done because I'm so grateful we're she's more giving than I am, and so when we give, we just kind of want to do it and we always go by like the Holy Spirit guiding us, and we always go by like the Holy Spirit guiding us to I think this person needs it.

Speaker 3:

So if we were, especially if we're going to be extra generous for some reason but I just, more than anything and it's free, anybody, anybody listening or watching right now, it's always free to say, hey, I love you, I love you, brother, sister. Or thank you very much for for you know, taking good care of us, or taking care of my family at dinner, or do whatever it is. Or thank you for delivering the mail to me. I mean, I really appreciate it. People just there's just stars for it to the point where they're just almost bewildered, like it blows them away when you do that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, and I think it just makes their day and I hope it does. I hope everybody I meet or, and especially, that he walks away with a smile on her face. That's the best plan.

Speaker 2:

It is, it is. I love that. And then another thing we do. We just started our podcast.

Speaker 1:

That was the next thing I was going to ask you. So you guys y'all hit topics that most people don't hit Like you talk about things most people are like I'm not sure I want to go there. What are some of the topics you guys have hit on your open bar? I love the open bar podcast. I think that's amazing, the concept.

Speaker 2:

Open bar taboo talks straight up and on the rocks.

Speaker 3:

Come on girl. I love it Because I feel like that's how we are.

Speaker 2:

And we toyed around with who would be on this and then we realized we love being together, so we do it together and, um, we also aren't afraid to call each other out, so that's makes it way more fun. But, like the first um episode which is already out, is um, are you with the love of your life, um, or would you or would you take ten thousand dollars? Would you leave your mate for $10,000? You'd be surprised. People who would take $10,000 and leave, like what, 10,000? Really, that's it, you're gone, they would. So that's one of the topics. Another one is going to drop on this Friday, which is opposing political friends and foes. Can you be friends with someone from a different political party?

Speaker 1:

You know it's funny. You mentioned that. So Coutinho Mobley played in the NBA for about 13 years. First round draft pick played for Houston Clippers. He's a really good friend of mine. He lives in LA and we, on some of the things, are diametrically opposed when it comes to so we're actually, we're actually we actually doing some podcast shows together called black and white a perspective, because that's a good one.

Speaker 1:

And I shared something to him. We talked and I was like, dude, I love you. And like he goes, he says you're my guy. I mean, I grew up in Detroit so I grew up in the hood a little bit. But he was like you know, if you're with me, even though we disagree on the, you're my guy, you and I may be able to have conversations. I'm like, bro, you're an idiot. How do you? How do you? Why do you think that? Like that's the kind of conversations we have.

Speaker 3:

Like I'm like you're an idiot. Why would you say that?

Speaker 1:

We can we have those conversations? Because there's, because there's just an authentic concern and care for each other. And I'm not trying to change his mind, I'm just like dude, I just don't see it. Help me see from your perspective.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that was basically the whole podcast right there.

Speaker 1:

I love it.

Speaker 2:

No I love it.

Speaker 1:

Where can they find us? Is that podcast on all the different platforms?

Speaker 2:

It's on jrobcom and it is also on YouTube. The handle is Beth Rob open bar.

Speaker 1:

Gotcha and I'll drop all the links in the podcast notes when we publish this next week. Okay, Final, final thoughts guys.

Speaker 2:

Final thoughts.

Speaker 3:

Oh, final thoughts. My final thoughts are always hang loose, no matter what's going on in your life out there, no matter what you're facing, what challenges you have, just be quiet. God will always give you a way out of the darkness. And be loving, be caring, give and you will receive.

Speaker 1:

Beth are there times? Okay, I got to ask another question Are there times? Beth are there times when you just are like, are you freaking, kidding me? And you look over there at him and he's like and you're like no, dude, I'm mad. Like are there moments where you're like dude, how do you stay that calm? Like, how are you that peaceful?

Speaker 2:

Oh, yes, yes, Like there's so many times. As a matter of fact, our girls, we commiserate. Sometimes, when Jay, I'll call him up, they'll be in California and I'm like, oh my gosh, Mr Jay Rob's being really bad today and they're like what's he doing? Oh, he's just bad.

Speaker 3:

And I'm like you know he doesn't agree with me or whatever, just being himself.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, what is wrong with you? And during our podcast there's sometimes when he'll be saying something and I'm like, oh, the other day he said something and I'm like that's not even true. That is not at all how you are. Why are you telling this like this? He goes no, I think that everything should be love, or what. And I'm like tell that you get mad, and so, like you know, we have those conversations.

Speaker 1:

Hey, just a disclaimer for my audience and for you guys. My sister called me about a week ago and said I was listening to your podcast and you said blah, blah, blah. That ain't how that went down when you were 12 years old and I'm like really. She's a year and a half two years younger than me. I'm like tell me how it went down. But anyway, beth, final thoughts for our audience today.

Speaker 2:

And everything you do, do it out of love, and love unconditionally. We're all just, you know. We're all just children of God. Yeah, that's, we're all just you know, we're all just children of god. Yeah, yeah, no expectations. Woman, right here, come on, I see it.

Speaker 1:

I see it in your countenance, bro. I see it in your countenance guys thank you so much guys. Jrobcom, j-a-y-r-o-b-bcom, go check them out, guys. They've got some amazing things going on right now. I mean, he is the guru of peace. They are the hang loose movement and they do have such an unbelievable spirit and unbelievable heart. Man, this was fun. I had a blast today, thank you so much.

Speaker 3:

It was fun. Ditto to you, brother, ditto to you. We can feel your spirit and energy, ken, you're amazing, so thank you, it's an honor to be in your class.

Speaker 1:

God's good Guys. Thank you for joining us on another episode of as the Leader Grows, and again I am your host, Ken Jocelyn. This is Beth, and my man, Jay, the guru of peace, the leaders of the Hang Loose Movement, Check them out, jayrobcom. J-a-y-r-o.