As The Leader Grows with Ken Joslin

Coaching with Ken | Zero Compromise

Ken Joslin

Have you ever wondered what it takes to achieve excellence and turn your vision into reality? Get ready to be inspired as we return from our month-long hiatus with a treasure trove of insights, starting with the secrets behind Horst Schultze's legendary success at Ritz Carlton. Learn how carrying a simple pocket card with 20 commitments to exceptional service and celebrating daily wins can transform your approach to business and life. Schultze’s unwavering dedication to his vision sets a gold standard for anyone looking to elevate their game.

We dive into the transformative power of "incremental, not monumental" progress, a principle that has been a cornerstone in my own journey of weight loss and building GSD. Drawing inspiration from the disciplined habits of Navy SEAL Robert O'Neill and the relentless drive advocated by Grant Cardone, this episode is all about making non-negotiable commitments and taking massive action. Discover how fostering environments that nurture faith, health, and relationships can be the ultimate foundation for achieving success in both business and personal life. This episode is packed with actionable steps and valuable insights to help you pursue excellence with purpose. Don't miss out on these transformative lessons!

Welcome to the ATLG podcast I am your host Ken Joslin, former pastor turned coach & host of CREATE, the #1 Faith-based Entrepreneur conference in America. My mission is to help faith-based entrepreneurs become the best version of themselves by growing in our Core 5: Faith, Health, Relationships, Business & Finances. You can get more information as well as join our FREE Facebook group at

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Speaker 1:

Hey guys, welcome to another episode of as the Leader Grows. I am your host, ken Jocelyn. Listen, I'm super excited to be back today. We've been on a break for about a month. We took a little break on our Coaching with Ken episodes, on our guest episodes, but I'm super excited about what we've got coming down the pipeline for you. Also, super excited about our new GSD Coll collective and the community that we're building. We're actually building a free component, a free part of our community where you can have access to one of our courses. We have our GSD core courses on mindset strategy and leadership development. You'll get one of those courses and you'll get one of our eBooks from one of the 21 day challenges we do throughout the year inside of our GSD collective. Super excited about that.

Speaker 1:

Today I want to talk about something that I learned this weekend. For those of you guys watching the video, I got to hang out with my friend, horst Schultze. Horst Schulze Horst was the founder and CEO of Ritz Carlton. I had the honor of speaking with him at an event here in Atlanta last November in front of about 350 dentists and their teams. They came in and Horst spoke before me and I'd never heard him speak before, and so when they came to get me, I'm in the back of this big ballroom at this hotel in Atlanta and they came to get me and I literally for those of you guys, this is my two pages of notes from this past Saturday I was in the main session with him and then had the opportunity to be able to go into a VIP lunch and actually sit in the front row right in front of him again, and I want to share today some of the things that I learned from Horst Schultze, the former founder and CEO of Rich Carlton, and it's so amazing. I love speaking with him and connecting with him. Even when I went into the luncheon the other day, I said hey, horst, it's Ken Jostein he goes. Oh, we spoke together. I'm like, yes, we did in Atlanta, and he remembered us connecting and speaking together. That's been 10 months ago since we did that, but I love his passion and desire for excellence.

Speaker 1:

People ask me all the time they're like are you OCD? And I'm like, nope, I'm CDO. And they look at me like, what does that mean? Because OCD is not an alphabetical order, cdo is an alphabetical order. I love excellence.

Speaker 1:

So the question I want to ask you guys today is this or the statement? Rather, let me say this the statement I want to give you guys today, that I heard Horst teach on on Saturday, is this Once you have the dream, once you have the mission and the vision, or, as I like to say it, once inside your heart, god has downloaded the vision and the passion and purpose for your life, once you have that, compromise is non-negotiable. We do not compromise. And as I'm listening to him talk about this and how just a dream, like literally, his dream was to found and create the number one luxury hotel brand in all of the world, and if you've ever stayed at a Ritz Carlton, you understand exactly what that means.

Speaker 1:

I had the opportunity Saturday to ask him about their card, their pocket card, that they carry Every employee. It's a must, you have to have it on your possession at all times and it's the 20 things that they commit to in order to take care of their clients and their guests 20 things. Every single day, their team walks through a win. He shared this with us Saturday. Every single day, their team walks through a win. Like where are we winning as a company? We're opening a new hotel in Dubai. They share a win from their team and this is the one he shared with us. Hey, joe, so-and-so down at the Rich Carlton in Tampa, florida, got promoted today and he is now the food and beverage director of the entire property. Joe started with us 18 years ago as a busboy in our restaurant and they share that win and the last thing they do is they go through one of those 20 commitments that they make to their guests.

Speaker 1:

So today I want to ask you this question Do you have the dream and the vision? Do you have the purpose on the inside of? Do you know very clearly what that looks like? And once you do, once you do, compromise is non-negotiable. Guys, listen, four and a half years ago, when I knew I was at a Division I college baseball umpire camp SEC, acc I'm at this camp. I had a great camp. I was with a really good friend of mine who worked in the big leagues. He was the minor league umpire of the year. One year, several of his friends and former partners in the minor leagues and the big leagues are now umpires in the SEC and the ACC. It's the two biggest conferences in America.

Speaker 1:

I'm there trying to get a job, to move up from division two umpire into being a division one umpire. I had a great week. One of the umpires supervisors pulls me aside at the end of the three days and this is what he says to me. He says, ken, you had a phenomenal week. Your rapport with coaches and players, your, your instincts on where to be on the field, second to none. Like we don't see what you have, like what you have is a natural gift to be able to work a baseball game. And I was like dude, thank you so much. And he said, but you've got to lose weight. When we saw you come into camp we were like what is this guy doing here? He said we were shocked at how well you moved on the field, but in order to be a division one college baseball umpire, you're going to have to get in shape. Well, I never forget, we left. We left new Orleans. We were at university of new Orleans, at this camp, and we came back to Atlanta.

Speaker 1:

And when I came back to Atlanta, the first thing I did, I had already set it in my mind. I knew the purpose, I knew what I was going to do. I was going to lose weight. I want to be a division one college baseball umpire. So I'll never forget going home, and I think this is one thing that keeps people from purpose, it keeps people from the vision and it keeps people from seeing that vision come to pass. You have to face reality of where you are in your current state.

Speaker 1:

The first thing I did when I got back home to Atlanta was I went in my bathroom, I stripped all my clothes off, I got on the scale and I exhaled. It was 308 pounds. I was disgusted with myself. I was so like, how did I allow this to happen? And the next thing I did was I took I put my shorts back on, I took a before picture and I said I'm going to lose 66 pounds. Actually, it was 306 was what the weight was. I'm going to lose 66 pounds and the first thing I did after I did that was I put it on all my social media platforms. Here's my before picture, here's my goal and here's what I'm going to do. Why did I put it on social media? Accountability. I wanted accountability, so I started the journey and over the last four and a half years, I'm down close to 100 pounds. So when I got to, and for those of you guys that have seen my before and after picture, you understand exactly what I'm talking about.

Speaker 1:

So what I did was I set that goal for 66 pounds and there were plateaus and things that happened along the way. Where you plateau, I'd find help, like my good friend, gary Brecca, who's going to be speaking at Create in Atlanta this year In January. Gary said, dude, you got to do keto. And he walked me through some health decisions and some nutrition decisions that took me to the next level and as soon as I got to 60 pounds lost, I upped my goal from 66 to 86. And so now here I've got. Okay, I've got another 20 to lose. And so now here I've got. Okay, I've got another 20 to lose.

Speaker 1:

I was so focused, I knew what the purpose was, I knew what the vision was, I knew what the mission was. So compromise for me was not an option. We don't negotiate with compromise, and I love the story of Kobe Bryant. After Kobe would finish a regular season in basketball, he'd take some vacation time with his family and he went right back to training and during the summer, kobe would write a contract with himself. He literally would write a contract out of this is the workout I'm going to do every single day. These are how many shots I'm going to do. This is the training that I'm going to do. Here's the nutrition that I'm going to do and at the end of that contract he would sign it to himself. And I never forget the interview I heard when he talked about this and he said once I signed that contract, my results, my compromise, is non-negotiable. I do not compromise because I've already made a decision and I know exactly what the vision and the mission is in my life. Here's a couple of things that Horst talked about on Saturday that I want to share with you today. There's a couple of things that it takes in order to receive and achieve the vision that God's put in your heart. Number one it takes commitment. So the question I want to ask you today is have you made a commitment, have you said? I'm going to do fill in the blank.

Speaker 1:

I was watching Robert O'Neill on I believe it was a Sean Ryan's podcast. Robert O'Neill is the Navy SEAL who was the one credited for killing Osama bin Laden, and he talked about Navy SEAL training, or what they would call as BUDS, and he talked about BUDS class and this is what he said. He said in BUDS our goal. When they woke us up at four o'clock, the only goal we had was to make our bed correctly. Once the bed was made correctly, our only goal was to get breakfast. Once we got to breakfast, our only goal because we were going to ride into training, which was absolute hell the only goal we had after we had breakfast I only got to make it to lunch. I've only got to make it three and a half to four hours and make it to lunch. That's all I have to do. I just have to make it to lunch. And then, from lunch, their only goal from there was I just have to make it to dinner. They didn't look at tomorrow or next week or next year.

Speaker 1:

And it goes right into my incremental, not monumental, concept that I created four and a half years ago when I started this health journey and when I started GSD, which we grew in three years to over a seven-figure company. In three years we did 1.18 million. My third year in business. The third year how, because of incremental, not monumental, small, daily, disciplined decisions over time, always equal monumental results. Success cannot escape you when you do the right things every single day.

Speaker 1:

And Robert O'Neill said listen, we would always say I just have to make it to dinner. And we got to dinner and then we had training after. I've just got to make it back to that perfectly made bed I made this morning. There was no tomorrow or next week or how many weeks have we been in BUDS training. He couldn't do that. I just got to make it two hours and he said anytime we wanted to quit, we would tell ourself I'll quit tomorrow, I'll quit tomorrow, I can't quit today, I'll quit tomorrow. And then when they came in at 4 am to wake us up, the first thing we said was okay, I've already won. I got up at 4 am. My next win and my next objective is to make my bed correctly. And then the next objective again the next day, was just to make it to breakfast. And then the next objective again the next day was just to make it to breakfast. I love it when Horst said this he goes listen. When you understand your vision, your purpose, your mission in life, compromise is non-negotiable. We do not compromise. People go.

Speaker 1:

Ken, how in the world have you done what you've done in four years? How did you start three years ago and now host the number one faith-based entrepreneur conference in America with friends like John Maxwell, erwin McManus, gary Brecka, ed Milet, brendan Burchard, vic Keller I mean unbelievable lineup Anthony Trucks, carlos Reyes, jesse Itzler, amberlee Lago, marie Cosgrove, amy Lacey I could go on and on and on at the caliber and quality of people I get to do life with. How did you do it? Because I wasn't going to quit until tomorrow. I wasn't going to quit. How did you lose almost 100 pounds? Because I just had five more pounds to get to 30. And then I just had five more pounds to get to 35. And then I just had five more pounds to get to 40. And every single day incremental, not monumental, incremental, not monumental. And how did I stick with it? What Horst Schultz told us and taught us on Saturday? I made a commitment. I made a commitment.

Speaker 1:

So my question to you those of you guys watching this via video on YouTube or you're listening to it on one of the podcast platforms have you made a commitment to yourself to see the thing that God's put in your heart, whether it comes to your faith, health, relationships, business or your finances? Have you made a commitment to yourself? Because once you make that commitment, it is negotiating or compromising is non-negotiable. We don't do that. We don't negotiate with a commitment. You're like dang Ken you're fired up. You better believe I am. It's why we're able to make the impact in the faith-based entrepreneur space that we have in the past three and a half to four years. It takes commitment.

Speaker 1:

The second thing that it takes and he talked about this is initiative, and my good friend Grant Cardone calls it massive action. What are you going to do about the dream that God's put in your heart? Listen, you're not going to understand it. You're not going to know how in the world I'm going to see this get accomplished. Which leans into one of my favorite Jim Rohn quotes speed increases focus. The faster I move towards the direction that I know God is sending me, the more things become clear in my life. I'm 56 years old and the last, probably six months ago, I got a pair of glasses that I wear when I drive at nighttime, because it's hard for me, especially if it's raining and the lights of the cars oncoming cars sometimes it's hard to see. Things get fuzzy and a little blurry. I try to put two words together they get fuzzy and blurry, but the closer you get to the object, you're like oh, I can see that now, so I have to wear glasses, but it goes to Jim Rohn's quote speed increases focus. You're like Ken, I don't know what to do. Just move, just take action. Just have initiative every single day to go. I'm going to do this Because, as you do it, you're going to go. It's going to become clear to you.

Speaker 1:

The first time, three years ago so it had been June of 2021, I'm speaking at a mastermind that my friend hosted in Salt Lake City, and I'm sitting around this cabin with 30, 35, very high level entrepreneurs. We didn't have anything like this, and I knew immediately after the first day. I'm like holy cow, this is what I'm missing is an entrepreneur, an environment just like this for faith-based entrepreneurs, not people who are just chasing building a business, not people just chasing finances, but people who understand the value of having their faith, their health and their relationships in alignment and in order and healthy. So then, therefore, they can build business and finances on top of that foundation. So have you made a commitment to yourself, and sometimes you have to remake that commitment?

Speaker 1:

There's been times in this health journey of losing close to a hundred pounds. There's been times in this journey of building a business and podcast and create conferences and all this stuff that I get to. There's been times where I'm like, oh God, I don't know if I got what it takes to pull this off and I have to recommit to myself. Okay, god, I know you've put this vision in my heart. I'm just going to take action. I'm going to make a commitment to what you put in my heart and I am going to take initiative. Super easy, guys. The question I want you to ask yourself as I close is this have I made a commitment to myself? Do I know what it is that God's called me to do? Have I made a commitment? And how do I know if I made a commitment? Do you negotiate with yourself? Do you compromise on what you know God's put in your heart? Because you do not compromise when you've made a commitment towards a very clear purpose and vision.

Speaker 1:

Guys, thanks for joining me on as the Leader Grows Again. Man, we are honored that you guys helped us become and move into the top one and a half percent of all the podcasts in the world. Listen, we'd love to have you connect and join our free community for GSD. Where you get access to one of my courses, you get access to one or two of the workbooks, the 21-day challenges that we run our collective through every year, absolutely free. There's no cost to you whatsoever. There's a link at the end of the show Would love for you to hit that. Come join our community. I'd love to help you become the best version of yourself in your faith, health, relationships, business and finances. Have a great week. I'll see you next time.