As The Leader Grows with Ken Joslin

Coaching with Ken | State + Cause = Commitment

Ken Joslin

Unlock the secrets of unwavering commitment in the realms of faith, health, relationships, business, and finance as we draw from the wisdom of Tony Robbins and the iconic story of David and Goliath. Discover how aligning your mental and physical energy with your life’s purpose can transform your capacity to stay committed, even in the face of challenges. By sharing personal experiences and anecdotes, including overcoming physical adversities, we offer practical insights into maintaining a positive state of mind and deepening your resolve. This episode promises a comprehensive exploration of how awareness of your thoughts, language, energy, and desires can fuel your determination to achieve your goals.

Step into the epic narrative of David and Goliath and uncover the powerful lessons of purpose and courage it holds. As David, a humble shepherd, dares to confront the formidable giant Goliath, we see an inspiring demonstration of faith and self-belief. Through David’s bold inquiry, "Is there not a cause?" we are encouraged to challenge defeatist mindsets and embrace our true potential. Join us in this episode as we navigate these timeless lessons, revealing how commitment to one's cause can lead to extraordinary personal and professional feats.

Welcome to the ATLG podcast I am your host Ken Joslin, former pastor turned coach & host of CREATE, the #1 Faith-based Entrepreneur conference in America. My mission is to help faith-based entrepreneurs become the best version of themselves by growing in our Core 5: Faith, Health, Relationships, Business & Finances. You can get more information as well as join our FREE Facebook group at

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Speaker 1:

Hey guys, welcome to another episode of as the Leader Grows. I am your host, ken Jocelyn, super excited today. I want to talk to you today about commitment. I'm going to share the definition of commitment and then I want to talk about how we can reverse engineer the definition of commitment to where we can take our personal level of commitment in what we would call our core five areas faith, health, relationship, business and finances to the next level. So here's the definition of commitment. It is the state of being dedicated to a cause or an activity. It's the state of being dedicated to a cause or an activity. Think about it this way. So I'm going to break that down. I want to talk about state for just a little bit, and then I want to talk about cause, because I believe there's an equation to get to commitment, and that is when your state is where it needs to be, plus your cause is where it needs to be. I think that what happens out of that is birth commitment. I believe you can have an undying, unwavering commitment to what God has called you to do. So state let's talk about state.

Speaker 1:

If you've ever heard Tony Robbins talk about state, it is literally what does your countenance look like. How is your energy? And you need to be aware. And if you've ever heard Tony speak, it's amazing. He'll be in the room and he'll just be doing his thing. And if he feels he'll look around the room and if he feels the energy of the room drop at all, immediately if you've seen him he'll go, he'll start clapping and on the first clap his media team has got the music. Bam, it's cranked. Come on, everybody, get up off your feet. And what's he doing? And he'll say this in his sessions what I'm trying to do right now is change your state, because if I can get your physiology to change, what happens is it opens up new neural pathways and the information that I'm trying to get into you can get into you. So, state. So when we talk about commitment, we know that state plus cause equals commitment. State plus cause equals commitment. Let's talk about state some more. Tony talks about it again all the time. State some more. Tony talks about it again all the time.

Speaker 1:

One of my five affirmations that I do every single day is about my code, about a code I created last year for myself. I am aware of my thoughts, my language, my energy, my money and my sexual desires Five areas that God uses inside the life of a man to procreate or to reproduce I am aware of, and I'm telling you. It's in here every day. I am aware of my thoughts. So your state really is a merge of all of these things that we're talking about. I am aware of my thoughts. What am I thinking?

Speaker 1:

Proverbs says that as a man no. Psalm says as a man thinks, so is he? So what am I thinking? What is going on in my mind Then? I am aware of my thoughts, my language. What am I thinking? What is going on in my mind Then? I am aware of my thoughts, my language, what am I saying? This was the proverb I was looking for.

Speaker 1:

Proverbs 18 says the power in life and death reside in the tongue. Like I, have the opportunity to be able to speak life or speak death, and that's coming from what I'm thinking. So we talk about changing our state. It isn't just like I'm hyped and I'm excited, but it's also and part of that is changing the way that we think. I live by a code. I am aware of my thoughts, my language, which create what, my energy. It creates my state. I am aware of my energy, I'm aware of my money and I'm aware of my sexual desires. I must have my thumb on the heartbeat of what's going on in those five areas in my life. So state plus cause. So when we understand our state, like, how do I get myself? Like I woke up this morning with one of the worst cases of gout in my big toe.

Speaker 1:

I haven't had it in months. But I woke up this morning barely walk, it means no working out, couldn't get on my Peloton, couldn't go to the gym. But I woke up this morning barely walk, it means no working out, couldn't get on my Peloton, couldn't go to the gym. Iced my foot this morning. There's nothing worse than having cold feet. I can't stand it.

Speaker 1:

So this morning, even before I got on my our GSD collective call that we do every Monday morning at 8 am group of two or three dozen entrepreneurs. We get on and we hit big time topics of two or three dozen entrepreneurs. We get on and we hit big time topics. We talked about this this morning. I was getting ready for the call and I'm like I don't feel good. I can't really walk. It's going to be hard to get upstairs. Maybe I should just cancel. No, no, immediately. I'm like no, that's not an option, even though the thought was there. I am aware of my thoughts, my language, my energy, my money and my sexual desire. So, state plus cause, I love 1 Samuel, chapter 17.

Speaker 1:

You may not even be a faith-based person, which is perfectly fine, but almost everyone has heard the story of David and Goliath. Now, here you have David. If you don't know the backdrop on the story of David and Goliath, david was the youngest of about eight sons, and so when Samuel the prophet, came into the house of Jesse, that was his father to choose who was going to be the next king of Israel. David's father, jesse, thought so much of his son he didn't even bring him in front of Samuel because he didn't see in him the potential to be a king. And so we know the story. They bring David in front of the brothers I mean, they bring all the brothers in front of the prophet Samuel. Samuel goes nope, it's not none of these guys, it's got to be another one. And so they had David on the back, 40 tending sheep. So they called David in, and the Bible teaches us that as he's walking towards Samuel, and Samuel seizes him, samuel sees him Yep, there's the anointing of the Lord.

Speaker 1:

This guy's going to be the new King. So David's going to be the new King, but he's still keeping sheep. He's still tending sheep on the back. 40. His father goes hey, I need you to take these supplies to your brothers. They're in war against the Philistines. So he goes, okay. So he gets it and he takes it and as he's nearing the battle, he notices and hears murmur of this giant named Goliath. Theologians say he was nine foot to 10 foot tall. He's a bad dude. He's killing folks, he's jacking them up, they're terrified for their life. And David looks at his brothers and he's looking around at the defeat over the children of Israel. And this is what David said Is there not a cause? Is there not a cause when you can get your state in the right position, your mind, your will, your emotions, when you can get your subconscious, when you can get all of that in the same direction and then understand what your cause, your purpose, your why is, state, which could be your thoughts, your mindset, your language, your energy that you create, when all of those things get in alignment with your cause? What happens is when you sit down, as we do, to do our planner every single day and write do morning routine, goals, gratitude affirmations, top three. What do we know? I know that when my state and my cause is in alignment, I know what follows is an unwavering commitment. Why? Because my state is where it needs to be, because my cause is where it needs to be. I am fully aware of my state, I am fully passionate about my call, about my cause. So here's what I want to encourage you when are you in your state? I had somebody come to me one time. I was pastoring a church and I had somebody come to me and this is what he said he goes, pastor Ken, I want to plant a church. I said great. I said let me ask you a question. I said how long have you been serving on our I think he was in, like our guest team the cafe, like doing coffee and stuff like that. How long have you been serving there? He goes well, I've been serving this long. I said okay, what's your next goal needs to be? To be able to lead that whole team and then be able to lead both teams for both services and just keep working your way up and showing yourself faithful, cause it's not just about I'm pouring coffee one Sunday. Now I want to be a, I want to be a campus pastor or I want to be a pastor. There's a little bit more involved in that. And then I asked him this question, cause this question is huge and I want you to ask yourself this question as well. When you walk into a room, do people gravitate towards you or away from you? When you walk into a room, do people gravitate towards you or away from you? And I never forget asking him that question and I watched him do this. He went, he just ducked his head because he knew what the answer was People gravitate away from him, not towards him. Why? Because of his state, because his state wasn't what it needed to be. Again, every single one of us, when our phone rings, we look at our phone, we grab our phone and we're like, oh, it's so-and-so, and we get one of two. We have one of two responses. Either we're like voicemail, face down, or we get excited over who it is, because we have a desire to talk with them, because we know that every time we have a conversation with them, what does it do to us? It builds us up, it makes us feel better about who we are. So where is your state? The next thing I would say to you is where's your cause Like? What do you believe? What's the big vision for you? What are you going after? I had a five or six hour strategy session yesterday with Nate and Hunter and one of the things we talked about was what's the overall credo? What are we doing? What's the big picture that we're doing here at GSD? What does that look like? What are we going after? And I said we're building the largest movement of faith-based entrepreneurs this country has ever seen. We're going after, in the next five years, one million faith-based entrepreneurs who have a passion and desire to become the best version of themselves in their faith, health, relationships, business and finances, in what we call our core five man, that's massive. That is a massive cause somebody can get behind. So let me ask you this question when is your cause? What is your cause? What is your why? What is your purpose? What are you going after? When you couple the right mentality, the right state, and you couple that with the right cause and the right why and you start unlocking purpose on the inside of you, purpose always will bring forth potential. But when you do those things, then when it comes time to make a commitment to what you know you need to do. That commitment, my friend, is much easier and it is very solid because you know I've got the right state. I'm aware of my thoughts, my language, my energy, my money, my sexual desires. I'm aware of my purpose. I'm aware of the vision that God's breathed on the inside of me. So when you make a commitment to that, there's no turning back, there's no letting go, there's no anything until I get to what I know God's put in my heart. I'm going to make this rock solid commitment, guys. I hope this has helped you today on as the Leader Grows. Remember state plus cause equals commitment. Love you guys. See you next week on as the Leader Grows.