As The Leader Grows with Ken Joslin
Join Pastor-turned-entrepreneur Ken Joslin on "As The Leader Grows" - where faith meets entrepreneurial excellence. As the CEO of GROW STACK DRIVE and founder of CREATE, America's #1 Faith-based Entrepreneur Conference, Ken brings powerful insights from closing over $250 million in real estate deals and sharing stages with industry titans like John C. Maxwell, Ed Mylett, and Grant Cardone.
Through his transformative Core 5 approach - Faith, Health, Relationships, Business, and Finance - Ken shows entrepreneurs how to build a life of purpose and prosperity. Leading the exclusive GSD Elite Mastermind, he equips faith-driven leaders with the tools to build confidence, gain clarity, and create community while excelling in every crucial area of life.
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As The Leader Grows with Ken Joslin
3 Spheres of Proximity | Your Circle
Unlock the secrets to exponential growth by mastering the art of proximity! Join me, Ken Joselin, as we dive deeper into the transformative power of your "circle"—those 10 to 12 individuals who can elevate your life just like Jesus' disciples did. With CREATE 2025 on the horizon and eminent personalities like Dr. John Maxwell, Gary and Sage Brecka, Nate May, and Pastors Dennis and Colleen Rouse in attendance, this episode emphasizes how surrounding yourself with the right mix of people can significantly enhance your faith, health, relationships, business, and finances.
Reflect on who truly fills those pivotal spots in your life, and learn how to balance your network with mentors who inspire and those you can uplift. As faith-based entrepreneurs, identifying your circle is crucial for both personal and professional growth. Whether connecting with peers at an event or enjoying a casual gathering with friends, the energy and insights shared within these circles are invaluable. Grab a notepad and get ready to harness the influence of your inner network to catapult to new heights.
Welcome to the ATLG podcast I am your host Ken Joslin, former pastor turned coach & host of CREATE, the #1 Faith-based Entrepreneur conference in America. My mission is to help faith-based entrepreneurs become the best version of themselves by growing in our Core 5: Faith, Health, Relationships, Business & Finances. You can get more information as well as join our FREE Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/676347099851525
Hey guys, welcome to another episode of as the Leader Grows. I am your host, Ken Joslin, super excited to continue this series on the three spheres of proximity. As a matter of fact, as I'm recording this, we're about a week away from CREATE 2025, right over my shoulder, right there, good friends like Dr. John Maxwell, Gary Brecka, Sage Brecka, Nate May is going to be with us, Pastors Dennis and Colleen Rouse, my pastor, Mayo Sowell. It's going to be a phenomenal, phenomenal weekend. But today I want to jump into part two of three spheres of proximity. And guys, again, this is the theme of CREATE. We're going to talk about all weekend proximity and how it helps us go to the next level in our core five framework of faith, health, relationship, business and finances. So the first one we talked about on the last episode was community, and community is this large group of people that you travel with. It's the people you do life with. You journey with same like-mindedness, same desires, same passions. It can be a church, it can be a civic organization, it can be an entrepreneur organization, much like what we have here at Grow Stack Drive. So that's communities, the large group of people you travel with. Today I want to talk about what I believe. They're all three important, but what I believe kind of hinges everything together and that's your circle.
Ken Joslin:I want to talk about your circle, the power of your inner network. If you're a faith-based entrepreneur and you listen to this, you've probably heard this before, but there has never been anyone on the history of the planet that's done more with their inner circle than Jesus did. Think about it. Jesus had 12 disciples. One of them was the devil in Judas. He betrayed him. So literally he had 11 guys. And I looked earlier today on the Bible. Over 5 billion copies of the Bible have been sold. It's by far the most sold and purchased and read book on the planet. Why Was it because Jesus was performing miracles? Yes. Was it because Jesus was the son of God? Yes, but the reason that it's done what it's done was found in the power of Jesus's circle. Think about it 12 guys, one of them fighting against everything that they were doing, and those 12 men who were impacted by the life of Christ went out and they've changed the face of humanity all the way into the Bible, selling 5 billion copies. So the power of your inner network, your circle.
Ken Joslin:Let me define kind of what your circle is your circle is the 10 or 12 people that you spend the most time with. Your community, large group of people, maybe, like we do here on our collective calls every Monday morning and Wednesday night. I think last night, on Wednesday night, we had 44 faith-based entrepreneurs from all around the country. They're from everywhere. They were on our call last night, a couple even in Puerto Rico. I had one in Costa Rica last night actually down getting some work done at RMI.
Ken Joslin:But it may be a community like that, where you gather as a community, this large group of people moving in the same direction, same passion, same like-minded, the same DNA in what you're going after. But your corner, I mean your circle, is the 10 to 12 people that you spend the most time with, and I want you to do this. When you think about that, it's like, well, who is my? And I want you to identify this, like if you're taking notes, if you're watching this video, wherever you're at, literally grab a notepad and some paper and I want you to start writing down who you would consider to be inside your circle. Now, your circle is the power of your inner network. Who are the people that you're the most connected with.
Ken Joslin:Let me say a few things, a few truths about the circle. In your circle you should be somewhere. I try to position myself somewhere in the middle. I want people that are way smarter to me to be in my circle and I want people that I can help along the way, that I've already journeyed where they're going to journey, that I can reach back and help them in their journey as well. So your circle 10 to 12 people you spend the most time with. They're the people you gather around the pool when you fire the Traeger or the Big Green Egg up. It's the people you call to go, "Hey, I'm doing burgers and hot dogs, come hang out. As I would say. My best friend and Chief Growth Officer here at Grow GrowthStack Drive, Nate May, says he is the mayor. Hey, come on down to 608. He's the mayor of 608. He is the one that does dinner for everybody in his entire community.
Ken Joslin:Who are the 10 to 12 people right now that you spend the most time with? A smaller, tightly knit group of people that you trust friends, accountability, partners, people that are helping you become the best version of yourself. So who are the 12 people that you spend the most time with? I'm going to give you just a second to process through that and think through that and take some notes, write some names down. Process through that and think through that and take some notes, write some names down. Here's one of the things I do want to encourage you to do all constantly in your circle is evaluating the people that are in your circle, because if you're a faith-based entrepreneur, you are trying to become the best version of yourself in our core five framework, which is faith, health, relationship, business and finances.
Ken Joslin:If you're doing that in your life, there are going to be some people that are going to be in that circle 10 to 12 people you spend time with. There's going to be some of those people who aren't going to make the entire journey with you because they don't want to grow at the pace that you're growing. They don't want to practice and lean into the incremental, not monumental concept Small daily discipline, decisions over time, always equal monumental success. And success cannot escape you when you do the right things every single day. They don't want to pay the price and if they don't want to pay the price, you're going to grow, grow, grow until the gap between you and them where they're at in your life. You're chasing different things, you're going after different things. Your aspirations and plans and dreams or vision are too large for where they're at in life, because they're not on the same growth path or growth journey that you're on.
Ken Joslin:So, Ken, what do I do when that happens? Super easy, you can handle this very, very gracefully. I think the best thing is to kind of slowly back away from the relationship and start putting your time, cause you listen, we spend time. If I spend money, I can go make some more money, but when I spend my time, guys, it's gone. So my circle is super important. Who I allow in my life that I'm spending the most time with.
Ken Joslin:So, as you're writing down the names, you're thinking through all the names. Think through your circle and think in there, where do I fit Number one? Where do I fit in the circle? Am I the smartest? Am I the most successful? Am I the this, am I the that? I don't ever want to be at the top. I want to be somewhere in the circle. Am I the smartest? Am I the most successful? Am I the this, am I the that? Like I don't ever want to be at the top, I want to be somewhere in the middle or towards the bottom of that, because then I've got all these people above me that are helping pull me up that I can go to with questions. I can go to and go hey Troy Hoffman, hey Vic Keller, hey Brent Gove, hey Randy Garn, hey Gary Brecka, boom, boom, boom, boom. And then I know when I get an answer I'm going to get it from people who care about me, who love me and have the correct information to give me.
Ken Joslin:Because I believe, as a faith-based entrepreneur, there's only two things you need to do in order to fulfill all the dreams and visions that you feel like God's put in your heart. Number one you have to have the right information. I used to say information, but you can get bad information and all it's going to do is set you back. You need to get the right information. Where do you get the right information? Well, number one you can come to Create Conference in Alpharetta. If you listed this before our conference starts next week, you can come into an environment like that and get the right information. You can pay for coaching. Guys, I've spent six figures over the past three or four years on coaching. I probably spent 200 grand on coaching and mentorship groups and one-on-one coaches to be able to help me on my pursuit of becoming the best version of myself.
Ken Joslin:Who are the people in your circle right now? And then where are you at in that circle? And the third thing is is are there relationships in that circle and they're just takers? They're not reciprocal relationships. They're not relationships where you add value and they add value and really you're in a relationship in those 10 to 12. Those are the people you spend the most time with, like when you're in that relationship.
Ken Joslin:Guys, you've got to think about it this way. I want to bless my friends. I want my circle of people, I want them, I want their lives to be better because Ken Joslin's in it. So what does that look like for you and some of the relationships that you might have right now in your circle? You can't have takers in your life. There can be a season or you can have just maybe some moments where you minister and you do some things for some people. But one of the things that I've learned to do over the past probably 10, 12 years is to just kind of slowly back away from a relationship. I'm not investing my time, I'm not investing my energy because it's not a reciprocal relationship, and, guys, when it's not, it's going to happen. If you're on a growth journey, it's going to happen. It's part of the process evaluate, create space, just create space.
Ken Joslin:And if they, if they say hey, cause you know what normally what you get passive, aggressive friends are like hey, Ken, uh man, I ain't talked to you in a while. You must be. Uh, did you lose my phone number? Or hey, man, what's going on? You must be busy, cause you sure ain't called me, kind of thing I always, I always just really go with this close to an honest not close to honest an honest answer that's close to something that they can, that's palatable for them to be able to take in. And that's hey, man, John, I appreciate you reaching out to me. Dude, I've just been super busy and just in this season of life I'm just going in a different direction than you are and that's been the reason for my distance or my absence. And just let them know, you don't have to explain anything else. Continue to do what you know that God has called you to do. So.
Ken Joslin:Your circle, smaller, tightly knit group of people that you trust, accountability partners, people you're doing life with every single week. Your circle, guys. It offers emotional support, shared experiences, like, literally, you can build a bond with people that you know are going to be there for you and you're also, in turn, going to show up in a big way for them. Guys, you've heard me say this before Encouragement literally means to add courage to it's like I take some of my courage and I let you borrow it. That's what the word encouragement means. So when you're in a good circle, when you're in a community, you're going to get it In a circle. You're going to get that encouragement even at a deeper, more intimate level, because they're people who truly know who you are. So you're going to get that encouragement even at a deeper, more intimate level, because they're people who truly know who you are. So you're going to get encouragement out of that. You're going to get emotional support, shared experiences, engagement. You get to do life and, as human beings, god created us to live in community. So here's what I want you to do Evaluate your circle.
Ken Joslin:Does it align with your values? Does it align with your values? Does it align with your vision? Does it align with where God's the path that God has carved out for you? And if it doesn't align, it's okay. You just have to prioritize spending time with the right people and in your circle you've got to do evaluation, I'd say every month to two months. Where are the people in my circle? Who do I need to follow back up with? That I haven't reached out to or I haven't added value to as well. So, community circle next week we're going to jump into corner and these are the people that have a 10,000 foot view of your life that literally, when big things come up, they're always in your corner and available to be able to help you. Guys, listen, some of you guys are going to list this before CREATE Conference we're completely sold out of CEO, sold out of execs. We've got a few general admission tickets left. If you go to growstackdrive. com/97. The number nine, the number 7, growstackdrive. com/ 97. The few remaining general admission seats we have, we've knocked those down to $97.
Ken Joslin:CREATE conference next week, right here in Alpharetta, Georgia, myself, my good friend, John Maxwell, Gary Brecka, Sage Brecka, Dennis and Colleen Rouse, Henry and Terrin Ammar. My guy, Cole Taylor's coming in to lead worship. Got Saturday. You got Nate May, my best friend, and somebody who's going to blow your mind on the stage at CREATE. Cole Taylor is going to come in and teach EOS. My good friend Troy Hoffman, Brian Covey, the Senior Vice President of Revolution Mortgage, guys like Erik Weir I'm talking about some financial guys like Ryan D Lee, People who are going to come in. These are practitioners. These aren't people who stand up on stage and teach you to do something that they did 20 years ago. These are people that are actively in the game, that are making it happen. I'll see you create and I'll see you next time right here on, as the Leader Grows.